I’m chilling at work right now on my break, but I just randomly am missing my parents today. The rain is making me emotional lol.

I only live probably 15 minutes away from them it I still randomly just miss them.

But then whenever I call my mom and tell her I miss them she tries to get me and my partner to come stay there for a week, so I have to be like I don’t miss y’all that much lol

  1. Isn’t there something between “not seeing them” and “staying for a week?” Maybe something like meeting her for lunch?

  2. My dad lives in a separate state and is pretty emotionally distant. Mom lives 4 hours away and is overly clingy, tries to guilt me a lot, and is sort of a stick in the mud. So it’s pretty easy to not particularly miss them on a regular basis. I love them and enjoy visiting them. But I’m very content with our separate lives.

  3. I just don’t miss people easily. Contact with my mother is rough, contact with my father is bothering. But it’s his birthday this saturday so I’ll visit him

  4. Recalibrate your scope every so often. When you fire, if you have loose screws, the cross hairs will become unaligned due to the recoil/vibration if you’re using 3rd party hardware. I suggest getting some Loctite just in case.

  5. She just wants to take care of you, unless she’s one of those overly oppressive parents. But enjoy your time with them while you can. When they’re gone all the unsaid and undone shit you with you would have said and done all comes flooding back.

  6. my parents are great but they depress me so fucking bad so while i do think about them, i don’t really acutely miss them that much cause every time i see them i feel depressed afterwards. it’s more a “long term” missing them. like i don’t see them very much maybe 4-5 times per year.

  7. Create your own routine. Call every Tuesday & Saturday. Visit every second Sunday for dinner.
    Figure out your own routine, and just do it.

    She can invite you, and you can say, “No thanks”
    That’s part of adulting. You get to make your own schedules and appointments.

    If you miss them, call or visit. They miss you too.
    You don’t have to have a schedule to say “I miss you, I was thinking you you”

  8. Only one I am really missing when I don’t see her is my SO. Outside of that relationship I am not really a ‘missing someone’ person, so my answer would be : I never started randomly missing my parents

  9. Try having a really shitty relationship with them. Then you won’t miss them so much. Worked for me!

  10. Perhaps you’re thinking more about missing them in the future after they’ve passed.

    The solution is to build the best ADULT relationship with them now.

  11. Dude moving out doesn’t mean you have to cut your parents out of your life. You can call them to talk or just visit every now and then and I’m sure they would love it.

  12. It’s tough but remember to do at least some things they have told you to do daily. For example, my dad has told me multiple times to smile at something everyday and laugh about something everyday.

    Hopefully I’ll get to see him again when it’s my time to go.

  13. I dont get the issue here. You miss them enough to feel emotional but not enough to see them?

  14. I used to live like a 30-minute drive from my parents, and I’d end up calling my mom every few days to just chat about stuff. I’d also go over to their place some weekends.

    Currently, I am living back with them and about to move out to a new place that isn’t even a 5-minute walk from where they live.

  15. We used to have a BBQ every other Sunday. You could try that I suppose.

    It’s quite fun and you might even start to look forward to it.

  16. My parent have been gone for years. I can’t say I miss them. Not because they were bad, just because people pass and life goes on. We never had much of a relationship so there isn’t much to miss. I only think about them if someone else brings them up. Im not a sentimental person. Everyone passes eventually and I can’t find it in me to make a big deal of all of them.

  17. I really wouldn’t know. My dad died when I was 14 and my mom died when I was 22. I guess you just accept it and go about living your life the bad you can.

  18. Call them and tell them you miss them.

    It’s a bit less guilt you’ll have when they are gone and it lets them know you love them

    Visit them weekly if your so close, maybe breakfast every Wednesday

    Edit: or if you’re that close just stop by and ask if they need help with anything every so often. As they get older you’ll notice they’ll need more help

  19. Maybe it makes me a bad son but I don’t really miss my parents all that much. I really miss my best friend though I moved 20 hours away for work and I still haven’t gotten used to not seeing her at work everyday

  20. take my advise, one day it will be to late to miss them. stop by and give your momma a hug. go fishing with your dad, or cus at a car together or something for gods sake.

  21. man, you’re lucky

    my parents live 20 hours away by flight and there’s nothing more I want to do than hug my mom and dad and eat a home cooked meal

    I haven’t had my mom’s cooking in 4 years

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