Men, when talking to women, what’s something she can say/do that will instantly make you not want to talk to her anymore?

  1. Level of contribution to the conversation

    Few word responses or constantly focusing on herself as a “me monster” is a huge bore

  2. If it’s online, short dead end responses. If there’s no effort there I’d ghost immediately. If in person, if she’s rude, and doesn’t at least offer to pay for half of the date or for the next one

  3. My ex boyfriend used to…..
    This happens to men also, ngl but it’s shitty. If you’re starting a new chapter, don’t bring up the past. It is normal to remember things you’ve lived through and wanna talk about them, but change up the details, say “I did this once with my friends” instead of “my ex” and try to never compare.

  4. In German there are some words called “Digga”, “Alter”, and “Junge”.

    It’s usually a combination of any of those 2 that not only kills my interest in them, but also my respect for them.

  5. Say anything even remotely misandristic or unfair to men in general

    Don’t need that stupidity and negativity near me and I’ll just end up rolling my eyes and ghosting her

    I really don’t care about her past bad experiences with men either which they use as some sort of excuse and shield. Don’t care about it one bit.

    Even the simple “UGH. Men” statements makes me cringe and annoy me

    I do the same thing with misogynistic men too before anyone tells me “Some men do it too” but that’s not the question asked here

    Not just me. I remember my best friend who met this girl who was into him. Added her on Instagram and he ghosted her completely when she posted a statement saying “Men are ATM machines and nothing more” or something shitty like that.

  6. anything money related that his a “daddy” tone. Like you can be chill and have your rich dad support you and be humble, but you can also be super stuck up. I went to University with both rich folks who were cool who we became friends and also “daddy’s girls” who were total b*tches and we didn’t become friends.

  7. Happened a few times, girl starts degrading you non-specifically. Like she is talking about it in such a roundabout way that you cannot say anything against it. You know she is talking about you but no one else would be able to understand that.

  8. Lack of engagement. If I go more than five minutes without her forwarding the conversation, I will end the conversation. I have met professional women, colleagues, and customers even who seem to view it as their job to make sure the men do all the lifting in a conversation. So much so that it’s not even a conversation.

  9. Use me for validation. I have a friend I was into, but she only ever talks about her TikTok views and things of that nature.

  10. If she asks me to follow her on insta or if she’s a vegan.

    ( clarification not simply a vegetarian diet, those people that are bigots against anyone who isn’t vegan sort of vegan)

  11. She stalked my Facebook friends list and out of like 700 friends she saw someone who was a stripper.

    I had met the stripper at a college party about 8 years prior and there was playful flirting and nothing came about it, never talked to her again.

    This girl found her and called me out on it like I did something wrong. Immediately turned me off and ended things.

    Was a shame because other than that she was a lot of fun. Bullet dodged

  12. Uses the word “like” every other word. And don’t worry, it’s an instant conversation ender when dudes use it to.

  13. Ohh, I got good one that happened to me recently. (long comment, sorry)

    **If she says or does anything that implies she’s in a gang, does gang-adjacent actvity, is generally into criminal type men, or is otherwise senselessly violent.**

    I had this happen recently. I went to hang with this girl, and while I was hanging with her, she got into an argument with her ex on the phone, and it got quite heated, both talking about how they were gonna pull up on the other and shoot them/jump them/etc.

    She told me “don’t worry, he a bitch, he ain’t gon pull up on nobody”, and circumstantial evidence showed me that he definitely wasn’t going to, so I wasn’t too worried anyway.

    Later she talked a bit more bout things that made me suspect she was in a gang, and even if not, is generally just criminalistic, with friends who are also criminals or criminal-adjacent

    The argument in particular made me think to myself:

    “So what happens if one day y’all are just chilling or whatever, she decides to try to start something with a dude who WILL follow through? Associating with her, even if you just wanna have “fun” with her, can only put you in more danger. You will stop seeing her after today”

    Recently this girl blocked me, and I’m not sure entirely why, but I’m more relieved than anything. I planned on never speaking to her again

    (this girl in general had EVERY conceivable red flag I can think of off the top of my head. even if she wasn’t violent)

  14. Do you mean in general or for a potential romantic partner? I can come up with examples for either but would rather focus on one..

  15. Smoke.

    I am out.

    Not engaged in the conversation. If you don’t want to talk to me, just say so.

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