I was reading another sub about cost of childcare and NI contributions whilst on a career break to raise kids. I wondered if I was earning day £45k a year, could my wife become self employed and I pay her the minimum £7500 out of my take home pay so she on paper earns the minimum for NI contributions without paying tax and also the minimum required to access free childcare at 3 years old as opposed to 4?

  1. Ask an accountant dude, not reddit.

    We’ve seen recently how quickly things can change regarding tax. Are you going to keep upto date with all that?

  2. *If you’re self-employed and started your business less than 12 months ago, you can earn less and still be eligible for 30 hours free childcare.*

    Couldn’t she just register a company to go around the earning criteria?

    Talk to an expert though

  3. So long as she’s caring for a child under 12 she’s entitled to NI credits which she gets by claiming child benefit.

    Claiming a non-existent self employment for the purposes of accessing free childcare would be pretty obviously fraudulent.

  4. Claim Child Benefit and she automatically gets Class 3 contributions towards her State Pension until the child is 12.

    She can also transfer some of her personal allowance to you.

    She could always set up a little cleaning business –
    I mean if you were her only client…. But I didn’t say that

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