Just curious, I’m 26 and I struggle to grow one. I can grow a nice mustache and a little under my neck but the rest is patchy. Meanwhile my baby brother who is 21 can grow a full Rick Ross, lol.

  1. Honestly, mine came in about 16/17. Was a god send, I was shit at remembering my ID when I went out to pubs and clubs, but the beard meant I hardly got ID’d!

  2. I was about 25, I think. I had just split with my now exwife and gave up shaving completely. It started out patchy and then slowly filled in over the course of a month or two. Since then it always grows in full when I let it, but I tend to keep it as a goatee.

  3. About 34 years old. I got a Kratos-like beard nowadays, which i’m very proud of because next year i will shave off what remains of the hair on my head.

  4. I guess 20, I’m 30 now. I have a quick growing beard genetics I guess but I have friends who are 28 and only have like two hairs down their chin.

    It has its pros and cons:

    Pros side is that I can change my appearance from a teen looking guy to a beardy woodsman, which is helpful since I have some sort of an androgynous look as I look way younger and its difficult to be treated with respect sometimes at office. People see me as a teen, a 30 yo teen and its frustrating sometimes.

    As a con, it grows really quick. Its hard to keep my face clean because once I shave down, I get rashes all over; to the point I gave up shaving and I only trim down to that “low stubble look”. I never shave down to the skin with razors.

    Beard also makes it harder to take care of your complexion, skin care and hygiene properly.
    So I’m constantly trimming like 3 times a week otherwise I just get to look like, from a teen to a homeless joe. Its exhausting.

    Trust me, 50% of the time I wish I could get rid of facial hair like those laser jobs.

    My take is: rock whatever looks nature gave you. Being clean as a baby butt sure has its perks man, get your complexion up to date, wash your face daily, use moisturizers, serums and get your diets better, cut sugar, dairy, junk food and drink water. You will very rapidly develop a “lit-up” complexion even girls are jealous of. I shave constantly to get that done myself!

    Yes I do appreciate developing the lumberjack look every once in a while but it’s alot less often than I go for the clean baby face looks lol. After I learnt how to skin care properly, I got to appreciate the clean looks way more but I have to shave down all the fucking time.

  5. Got an awful beard. I rep it with pride. Goatee is strong. Chin strap is OK. Cheeks are hit and miss. I look like I’ve got sporadic armpit hairs on parts of my cheeks.

    Yeah boy

  6. It was my Covid project – we all had a Covid project. So I was 35, and it’s still going strong 😤

  7. I’m 43 and I still can’t really grow facial hair. Blessing and a curse. Can’t grow a beard but I also don’t have to shave.

  8. Depends what you mean by a full beard. I’m in my 40’s and my beard never really fully developed. It looks ok but pretty thin if you nnow what I mean. It’s looked about the same since I was about 17.

  9. 33, all I can do is goatee, which isn’t even full, but I can comb so it looks OK. Killer fuckin mustache though.

    Meanwhile, hairy from the chest down. Testosterone is a fickle mistress.

  10. I popped out of the womb with a full operator level beard.


    No, just kidding. I didn’t start rocking facial hair until my thirties. Tried a mustache briefly at 18 but it looked like a ratty pedo stache so dumped that quickly.

  11. Never… part Cherokee and they don’t grow full facial hair. I had a full goatie @ sophmore HS, side burns, but little in between ever……

  12. My beard’s color is very weird. It’s a random mix of red, brown, and blonde… and grey now that I’m getting older. I’ve rocked the Abe Lincoln look for a decade because my mustache comes in very thin and blonde.

    Shaving and coming back thicker is a myth. It’s just all genetics. You may never be able to grow a full beard.

  13. I’m 37 and still can’t. Can do a goatee and the neckbeard grows like a neckfro, but the cheeks don’t fill in densely to make a luxurious mane.

    Facial hair appeared around 15 and continued to get a little bit denser all the way to 30, but not significantly so. Basically done by 20, bigger change now is that it grows faster and daily shaving becomes required, can’t get away with a shadow anymore.

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