I want to go to a concert and I can stay at a relative.

I’m asking in the hopes that someone with prior experience can assure me there are no surprises or anything I should worry about.

🇬🇧Thanks a ton!🇬🇧

  1. IIRC in England everyone under 18 is supposed to be in full-time education, or working in a job with formal training. Consequently it’s possible you’ll look unusual or out-of-place, which could lead to people in authority seeking to check everything is okay.

  2. You have to be 18 or with someone that is 18 for concerts some venues are 21+ or 25+.. you will have to check with the airline if you can travel unaccompanied or have to book assistance/chaperone you can’t book/stay in a hotel under 18.

  3. Concert – assuming they allow unaccompanied 16yos to that venue, fine. Check. Don’t try to buy alcohol, take your passport with you.

    Coming to the UK at immigration, you will have a return ticket to show, have your relative’s contact details, and maybe a letter to show that your parents know where you are.
    The airline may also want at least all that, and again check they allow unaccompanied 16 year olds.

  4. As you’re under 18 you may be asked at the border for a letter from your parent or guardian giving you permission to travel.

    Good to have the contact details of your relative who you’re staying with handy at the border too. They might want to ring them.

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