How would you feel about someone only a few years older than you calling you “kiddo”?

  1. I usually take that as a compliment in a way that they think Im either cute or young spirited.

  2. Depends on who it’s coming from and the context surrounding it, but most likely annoyed as hell

  3. If it’s not malicious, ignore it. If it is malicious or condescending, I give them an equally age appropriate response. Grandpa, grandma…

  4. I hate that word no matter how old the person is. My husband’s aunt calls us that and I hate it 😅

  5. I would probably just look down at my beard that I have been growing for 7 years, then ask what kids they know that have a 12″ beard.

  6. I’m in my 30s, so I wouldn’t exactly be amused. On the other hand, if it were coming from an elderly person then I might find it endearing.

  7. The same way I feel when I get call, “Hun” or “Dear” by someone obviously younger than me!

  8. Depends on the context. If they’re being super condescending, they’re probably over all making condescending comments and I’m gonna be annoyed.

    If they mean it endearingly or as a joke, who cares. My age is not an insecurity for me. I’ll just laugh along.

  9. I’d match their energy and throw a tantrum.

    For real though, I had a coworker do this. Even after I kindly asked him to stop and to simply address me by name, he continued. If he said, “Goodmorning kid”, I would keep walking and ignore him or leave the conversation.

  10. I’ve never actually had anyone call me kiddo that wasn’t as old as my dad, which in that case I find it endearing. However, I would probably be a bit irked if it was someone a few years older than me and I would let them know that I’m not comfortable with them calling me that.

  11. I had a guy friend that was a year younger than me constantly call me “kid” and “kiddo”. I thought it was a little funny but also a bit weird. One year while celebrating his birthday, he referred to me (again) as “kid”, to which I responded: “you know i’m over a year older than you, right?”

    He stopped after that. Apparently he DIDN’T know that.

  12. I’d be mildly irritated, and then amuse myself by calling them “sport” or “champ”.

  13. My partner calls me that sometimes but it’s something we’ve specifically negotiated and makes sense for our dynamic. Other people should not be calling me that if they’re not my mom/dad or other older relative.

  14. OMG this one has been lurking in my head with no one to ask for YEARS!!! So first of all thanks for this post.

    I feel weird, number one reason why – it’s always only men who call me that. Each time it happens I try to do a deep dive on it mentally. On one hand it’s like awww thanks, on the other it’s like ewww I’m an adult and your equal dude, then on the next hand, well foot because only two hands, it’s like why though, why? Do you see me as a sister? But sometimes it’s a coworker which then on the next foot causes so much WTH is going on here, are they putting me down etc mental gymnastics.

    In short I feel very confused.

  15. Unless he is referring to me as Beatrix Kiddo AKA The Bride from Kill Bill, I wouldn’t like it.

  16. I mean, I’m 18 and tbh still feel like a kid sometimes ahaha so I don’t think I would mind, probably will just laugh it off.

  17. Depends on what my relationship with them is and if I think they’re being serious or not. My friends and I jokingly call the younger ones in our group the babies, a d my husband ego is 2 months older than me is the old man of the group. X3

  18. Kiddo doesn’t bother me if it’s someone older than me.

    “Hun” irks the hell out of me tho. Idk why.

    It’s what I call my son.

  19. What age older is it appropriate. I had someone 14 years older than me call me kiddo the other day at work . Granted she didn’t know how old I was but she told me her age atm so I knew … idk it felt uncomfortable.

  20. I had a female doctor call me “kiddo.” She was one year older than me. It made me want to SCREAM.

  21. I live in the south I hate, HATE being called a term of endearment by strangers. When it happens I respond, there’s only about 7 people in the whole world who are authorized to cal me by a term of endearment and you are not one of them. Ma’am will do.

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