What’s the most frustrating part of your body?

  1. Either my wiener or my belly. Ones too big and the others too small. You can probably guess which is which.

  2. Well I got ADD do I guess the fact that I can’t pay attention to things for extended periods of time.

  3. Probably my brain. Everything wrong with any other part, comes back to my brain. I’m fat? Well because my brains likes fatty food and doesn’t motivate me to move. I’m ugly? Well that’s my brain’s opinion.

  4. Neck because of chronic pain.

    Chest because of esthetics, pectum carinatum – though I am lucky it is pretty mild, not severe.

  5. my back, because i have scoliosis. Fitness/physical activity is a big part of my life and scoliosis definitely limits me a little bit, but I’m trying to overcome it

  6. Lower belly fat. I am very muscular, weighting 80kg at 1,70 but the only visible fat I have is belly. I know that working out alone won’t do anything about it as I need to do some serious diet but I just can’t be eating with a schedule! I prefer to just eat what I want/like albeit eating healthy. I guess belly fat for life! 😀

  7. My love handles. Im fine with dad bods but goddamn i have more curves than my wife. If i can just launch my sides real good id be happy

  8. I think I can honestly say there isn’t a single part of my body (externally, maybe even some internal) I wouldn’t change somehow given the option.

  9. The bumper. The pouch. The lil fella. Like I’d be good with my torso/core if that annoying little protrusion of tummy would just fuck right off.

  10. My back. Herniated disks L4 &L5 in 2009 and it has significantly reduced my quality of life. Pain all day every day. Can’t play with my kids, can’t do fun stuff, have to be super careful with what I do at work. Bros take care of your back. It was such a simple mistake I even knew better. I was shoveling snow of all the stupid things.
    I’ve tried everything but surgery to fix it and the neurosurgeon says it’s not worth the risk. FML.

  11. My balls.

    Really fucking high maintenance for something that aren’t likely to get much of any use. You have to keep them from getting hit because OW and then when the weather’s the least bit humid they’re always sticking to something you don’t want them sticking to.

    IJS, for somebody that doesn’t believe kids are in his future, when you do the cost/benefit analysis balls are kind of a liability.

  12. Mainly my digestive tract. I am usually constipated or about to crap my pants, not too much in between. IBS can kiss my ass

  13. Toes’ smallest finger. Useless piece of shit, it’s existence is only for getting stubbed.

  14. My penis. I have nerve damage from an injury I got in the Navy and so there’s not much sensation down there. I’m also on antidepressants, which can make orgasm and ejaculation elusive, if not unattainable. I usually need the pills to get it up AND keep it up (like, I barely even get morning wood anymore) and when I do manage it, it takes for-fucking-ever to cum, if I do at all, with very rare exceptions.

    The thing is, my sex drive is the same as it’s ever been and the biological urges are just as strong. As the say, the mind is willing, but the flesh is weak.

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