What do you do to stay calm during a flight?

  1. If you have a fear of flying OP I would highly reccomend the book/ebook Flying Without Fear 🙂

  2. Reinterpret my internal state as excitement over the destination and try to obsess over what I’m happy to see on arrival.

  3. I distract. Read a book,watch a movie or show(if i can), listen to music, play games on my phone.

  4. I studied mechanical engineering in college, so I feel safe on flights knowing how much work goes into designing planes and how wide the margins of safety are. Then I just have some good noise cancelling headphones, a neck pillow, and an eye mask for when I want to sleep, and I usually sleep through my flights.

  5. Suck on a ginger candy ( if the anxiety comes with nausea it’s helpful ) and it’s soothing to suck on candy

  6. I try to sleep but can’t take sleeping medication. I have very bad anxiety about flying and typically will have a panic attack when I fly. Last few times I had my bf’s hand to squeeze, and he helped by whispering comforting words and reminding me to breathe and giving me napkins to wipe my runny nose with (I hyperventilate, shake, and cry). His presence is very calming.

  7. Chew gum, put headphones on and listen to some good music, all while playing my favorite video game that doesn’t require service

  8. You say whatever we’re fighting about isn’t important, tell your significant other they’re right and stop talking about the topic. Be the adult in the relationship

  9. Get drunk, read, listen to music. I enjoy flying tho.

    My stepmom pops a xanax and chases with a stiff drink. Works wonders for her.

  10. Zone out with some tv or a good book or a game. What helps me best is even if it’s redoing it, doing stuff I enjoy

  11. Music. Comedy but. Sometimes is hard to focus since Im soooo anxious and terrified, so it actually helps me more to talk to someone in the flight, the last one I had the Bleeessss, to be close to a family, the sir was very kind to my anxiety and hand me a book his song had, and his little son started reading it with me, and everytime I looked at the sir cuz I was nervous given the buuunch of turbulence, he’d gave me that look of , “don’t worry everything is alright” that made me feel way better, and his son didn’t seem too worried either, and he ws like 6…so yeah…I actually think PEOPLE, helps more than anything

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