Me (23) and my girlfriend (23) have been together for 3 years. We have a really great relationship. But sometimes In public I notice she’s not too affectionate towards me. Like if we’re in line she won’t speak unless I say something or she won’t touch me. Idk I’ll look at her and she won’t look at me. She’ll just look at all the people around us. But if I never say anything we will not talk at all. And it just seems like her eyes are wandering everywhere. If anybody could tel me what this means it would help a lot

Tl;dr gf doesn’t interact much in public

  1. It doesn’t sound like you’ve talked with her about it, so why haven’t you communicated this to her? I would do that first. Also, she could just not like PDA and she could be looking around because why not? I would just ask, you’ve been together for 3 years.

  2. That sounds like your girlfriend has a lot of social anxiety or something similar. Have you talked to her about why she acts that way?

  3. I used to behave like this when I was a teenager (currently 29, F) and it was because I felt really uncomfortable showing affection in public. I had a partner who pushed it because it made him feel loved, but there are times I remember that I was really uncomfortable.

    Some people grow out of it (I did), some don’t. It sounds a bit like she may be anxious in crowds/around lots of people or easily overstimulated/zones out in crowds, esp if she’s always looking around and doesn’t really engage with you.

  4. Why does she need to touch you in line? Why wouldn’t her eyes be on her surroundings when out in public? Women always have to know what’s going on around them. That’s job one in the How not to get Murdered by Men handbook.

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