What conspiracy theories do you believe in?

  1. Usually I dismiss virtually every conspiracy theory I hear, but I don’t think Oswald acted alone. Not saying there was a second shooter (don’t think there was) but there’s a lot to unpack about the entire situation and I believe there were much larger forces at play than a lone crazed gunman.

  2. When automation replaces most jobs there will be a manufactured pandemic to kill anywhere between 20-50% of the working class.

  3. The fragility of human psychology has been exploited since the earliest class systems formed. Fast forward to the Enlightenment and the ruling classes funded empirical research into the area. Fast forward to the 20th century and researchers figured out how to train most humans to do almost anything they wanted. Fast forward to modern times and tech companies have pointed a machine learning gun at the human psyche, built on a foundation of 200 years of psychological research. Dance little puppets, dance.

  4. The CIA is behind every other political issue worldwide in most developing countries, whether it’s Iran or any nation in Africa.

  5. The Chinese government is trying to sabotage the Karmapa and harm the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, especially in the West. Their agents may have also sexually abused the 2nd Kalu Rinpoche.

  6. Michael Jackson was accidentally or intentionally chemically castrated as a child and was a eunuch. He didn’t like kids because he was a pedo, he liked kids because he essentially *was* one.

  7. The most plausible one to me is New Coke was released as a smokescreen to cover for corporate tweaking the Classic Coke formula to use corn syrup instead of cane sugar as a cost-cutting measure

  8. That our leaders are making everything better for them at our expense and pumping society full of propaganda, advertising, and drowning us in a sea of complacency and entertainment to pacify us so we don’t unite and overthrow them. History teaches us this has been happening for thousands of years but people still consider it a conspiracy.

  9. The “beautiful at every size” thing started as an ad campaign from Dove. Dove belongs to Unilever whom also owns Ben And jerry’s.

    Coincidence? I think not.

  10. Most conspiracy theories are propagated to take attention away from what’s really going on, and discredit anyone who is close to the truth. Whatever th truth is, I sure don’t know.

  11. Bigfoot is real, but actively covered up. A large, possibly endangered, primate species on the North American continent would render large areas of land off-limits to development, especially in the Pacific North-West. Not to mention the risk of being hunted to extinction by every yahoo with a gun that wants a Bigfoot pelt or trophy.

  12. Not really a conspiracy theory but I do believe in extraterrestrial life, like I’m pretty sure it’s mathematically more plausible that it does exist rather than not.

  13. Reminder that there is literally no faster way to determine if somebody’s an idiot than to see if they believe a lot of conspiracy theories.

  14. How do you know I believe in any conspiracy theory ? Who told you ? *They* told you, didn’t they ?

  15. I believe in alternate universes and reincarnation, not like religious reincarnation just like when you die you forget everything and you wake up in a different body sometimes in a different universe. I also think that there are other universes being created on the other side of black holes (like a big bang is hapening on the other side)

  16. My dad showed my a documentary about how 9/11 was an inside job and since then I have always thought it plausible, wouldn’t say I am 100% convinced on either explanation.

  17. Is this a conspiracy theory? I believe that there’s life on other planets, but, many more than oriole think or uninhabitable. The reason why is we hold every planets creatures biology to the standards of our own. I think it’s very realistic that their biologies may be completely different and may not need something like water for survival.

  18. Companies say it doesn’t happen but phones totally listen to you. I get ads all the time just because the wife and I were talking about something and neither of us Googled anything.

  19. Two conspiracy theorists walk into a bar.

    C’mon man, you can’t tell me that’s a coincidence!

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