What’s the type of guy that makes you go, “I wish I could be like him”?

  1. That would be the mental image I have of myself. Or the person I see in the mirror.

    The real me seems to be quite different.

  2. Bartholomew Roberts or Edward Teach…maybe John Dillinger.

    But alas… forensics have simply come too far, technology has become too good, so I have to stay legal until I come across a lucrative illegal enterprise with a relatively low chance of getting caught.

    Personality wise I’m still a scum.bag though. Believe it or not I’m in HR. Only reason I took HR though is because I wanted to know every possible nook, cranny, and crevice I can use to back stab and sue any and all of my future employers for to get payouts as much as I can. Unfortunately once again I gotta stick to smaller companies to take advantage of them though. Big ones usually have their shit together too well.

  3. I have a window in my bathroom, over the sink. When I look through that window, I see the guy.

  4. Men that were brought up by proper fathers. I never had a father. I met him maybe 10 times before he past away. Guys that have been brought up right tend to have their shit together. They’re taught to believe in themselves and they are overall more confident in themselves. I don’t have many friends now in my 40s. But the ones I do know are way different from me. Father/son relationship is so important. And it shows later in life.

    Edit: words are hard.

  5. Speaks regardless of how others perceive him and holds an unfathomable resolve. The grit to persevere.

  6. pretty much the guy that my wife wants to bang……….sadly that is pretty much anyone but me.

  7. No single Man(or women) for that matter. Because whole people are flawed. I pick and choose different traits I see in different people and mimic or try to mimic those. Your heroes can let you down as some might say, but a specific aspect of that hero’s image can be enlightening.

  8. I envy men that are good at making and managing money. I am good at a lot of things and I wouldn’t trade them, but I wish I didn’t have to worry about making ends meet so much.

  9. The dude that stays calm and collected. I always envy the guys that can keep their shit together, because I have a habbit of letting rage get to me.

  10. Those who carry prestigious degrees that give them strong status and comfortable amounts of money.

    Its a pretty shallow answer, but I’m at an academic / career brick wall right now.

  11. I have 2 friends with extra ordinary bargaining abilities. I usually bring them along to PC shops or garages.

    They can drop a price tag from $350 all the way down to $250.

    I wish I could do the same because I usually feel bad for asking them to tag along whenever I wanna buy a new GPU or new fog lights for my truck.

  12. The guy that is fun, good looking and charismatic. Walks into a room and everyone’s mood lifts, the party starts etc.

  13. A man unbothered by the opinions of others, who does not worry about the future nor dwells on the past. A man who embodies virtue, who lives well and never stops pursuing knowledge and wisdom.

    It’s the kind of man I’m trying to be every day.

  14. People with high endurance for work. Me? I don’t really enjoy work, but I know it’s necessary.

  15. nobody. I’m myself and I stand by that. He got a million dollars? Good for him. Oh he got a yacht? Great, nice work. Oh that’s Ryan Reynolds? …

    I may need to reconsider

  16. The gym lad that’s over 6ft, speaks more than just English and has a good job. Not that hard to see why other men would want that

  17. The archetypal private eye that Raymond Chandler describes in his essay “The Simple Art of Murder.”

    But down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. The detective in this kind of story must be such a man. He is the hero; he is everything. He must be a complete man and a common man and yet an unusual man. He must be, to use a rather weathered phrase, a man of honor — by instinct, by inevitability, without thought of it, and certainly without saying it. He must be the best man in his world and a good enough man for any world. …If he is a man of honor in one thing, he is that in all things.

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