I 20M have a gf 19F. We have been dating for almost 4 months now. Things are great. I really enjoy being with her and have almost only positive interactions. We have built our relationship on bettering ourselves and having a very healthy relationship. I have a class that meets everyday and I have been talking to a girl 20F. We get along well. I don’t want to start a relationship with her but I find myself fantasizing about her sometimes. That scares me and makes me feel really guilty. Hell, I feel guilty writing this. I love my gf and want to continue this relationship. I don’t know what to do. I think I am poly so this makes sense. I just want to be friends with the other girl but I feel like we are flirting. I don’t want to lead her on. I really enjoy her company and don’t want to lose a potentially great friendship. I honestly don’t know how to maintain the friendship and not catch feelings for her. She knows I have a gf. I just feel so guilty. I love my gf. She makes me a better me. How do I make this friendship completely platonic.

TL;DR I may be catching feelings for another girl but want to keep my current relationship

1 comment
  1. Remove yourself from this girl, based on everything you’ve said. You thinking you are polyam has no bearing on the mongamous comittment you’ve made, unless you’re willing to be open with your gf about this and give her like ability to flirt/fall for others?

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