What types of songs really ” move ” you emotionally?

  1. Songs with deep meaning about life or phases of life or such…

    I really like demons (philosophical session) by Jacob Lee.

  2. Waiting all night by rudimental but it’s the music video that accompanies it that gets me I think

  3. Probably lyrically relateable ones. I often get chills from some songs. I dont really listen to anything besides metal most of the time.

  4. Definitely lyrical hard hitters that I can relate to strongly! My current favorite song to have an emotional breakdown to is “Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve” by Taylor Swift.

    I do also enjoy an instrumental moment, especially if it’s tied to my childhood. The music from Studio Ghibli transports be back to my childhood so vividly that I tear up sometimes.

  5. whispers of your death – counterparts. vocalist Brendan murphy wrote this as a tribute to his late cat, Kuma. it details the experience of watching Kuma go through severe illness and how hard it was, how much he loves Kuma, and how he wishes Kuma could “make your cancer mine.”

    “forever your savior as much as you are mine.”

    it resonates deeply with me as my senior dog i’ve had for almost a decade (i got him at 8 months) is approaching the last stages of his internal and physical illnesses. it’s been unbearable to watch, it’s been more than difficult to realize this living soul i’ve taken care of my entire 20’s will not follow me into my 30’s. i’ve never loved the way i love my milo.
    some people have rolled their eyes or scoffed or laughed when i detail how much he means to me so hearing this song comforted me. other people feel the same about their animals. watching them slowly leave, and the preemptive grief that engulfs you…is just one of the most difficult things i’ve gone through.

    this song touches me and moves me to tears.

  6. Some songs, for example High and Dry by Radiohead, immediately pull me back into the fog of being deep in depression in my teens and twenties. Surrounded by alcohol abuse, drug abuse, suicide, unhappy sex, and self-harm. And laying in bed at night listening to music to quiet my mind to get some kind of rest. The songs that feel the saddest also somehow end up feeling the most hopeful. That song in particular makes me cry even a decade or two later, remembering how displaced and alone I felt. But still having that small fire of belief that things would be better one day. They were over time, and the song has evolved to have those original emotions but also relief, immense relief, that everything ended up okay. Songs like that can take you back to years ago, but also wash over you with how far you’ve come.

  7. Almost anything by Lana Del Rey or Linkin Park.

    The former I always get emotional due to the strong undertone about depression, drug abuse, etc. It was always very relatable for me. In particular I really get emotional listening to Summertime Sadness, Ride, and Gods & Monsters. The latter because I can physically and emotional feel the pain of Bennington. And the topics they touch are very close to home for me.

  8. It’s a bit far from the question but i relate to numb little bug a little too much.

  9. Usually soft songs like classical with piano, violin, percussions… or Lofi.

    But mu favorite song has to be “Heirogliphs” by The Oh Hellos

    I’m Kemeric and a Priestess to a God, this song always reminds me of the religion, how Ancient Egypt used to be, how the world used to be, and it just makes me happy to have somewhere to belong.

    My religion is a very big part of who I am, so of course my favorite song is related to it.

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