what was the moment you realized you weren’t a kid anymore?

  1. I was reminded of this recently after being called “sir” by a kid who was like 14-15.

    I’m only 20 lol. It’s the first time I’ve ever been addressed like that.

  2. Dealing with a dying family member. I distinctly remember thinking I’m gonna have to grow the fuck up, and do it with a quickness.

  3. I was judging a competition of history projects done by middle schoolers and had one tell me, “I interviewed people who were actually alive on 9/11 for my project” and had another do a project on *Obergefell*.

  4. When my father died and I realized that my mother was desperately leaning on me for help, support, and guidance.

  5. I volunteered to work the first aid booth at this event. I was a certified EMT basic going through nursing school so even though I was just 18 I was fully confident in my abilities. Well it’s a hot day and there is no water at the first aid tent so I have to run to concessions to grab some. I put up my back in 5 minutes sign and go stand in the line at the concession booth. After a few minutes this little girl with a scraped knee walks up and is like

    “excuse me sir are you the grown up in charge of the first aid tent?” And I’m like “*Dramatic gasp* how dare you! I’m not a grownup! But ya, let’s get you patched up kiddo.” And it was in that moment of me gasping that my brain was like “Oh no I’m not a grownup….oh wait yes I am. I’m literally the grown-up in charge of the first aid tent”

  6. When the cops said I had to wait and see if the magister would release me on my own recognizance instead of turning me over to my parents

  7. In a span of 3 years(18-21) my mother had progressively worse and worse brain lesion and MS symptoms all while my dad lost his job… and they eventually went bankrupt paying for medical bills. Then my mother passed away.

    All while I was in college trying to get a physics degree, with very sudden zero financial support 🙃.

    I knew I wasn’t a kid anymore.

  8. Realizing I have a preferred brand of toilet paper, getting excited after realizing I got 8 hours of sleep without getting up to pee. However it truly happened when I checked a website I used to follow in my young adult days “total frat move” and “post grad problems” I couldn’t relate to them at all, my time as their target audience had passed.

  9. When I was comforting my younger siblings while my parents were fighting in the other room.

  10. When I had my own father cry into my shoulder one night.

    My sister is a recovering addict. In rehab right now. It was bad that night.

    For once my dad wasn’t the rock. I was.

  11. When i was embarrassed to order from a kids menu at restaurants! I’m a big boy now!!

  12. When I tried talking to teenagers and they were so damn annoying and all I could think was “Wow kids are dumb.”

  13. Responsible 38yo construction foreman. Still waiting for that moment.

    My dad was 30 when I was born and had 3 other kids already. He was always such a grownup to me. An adult man. His childhood must have been another lifetime ago from when he was my dad at 30 right? Apparently I could not have been more wrong because my life completely blended together. College seems like last year. HS the year before. Sleepovers and childhood Christmas just before that. I still feel so young. I still think about myself as a twenty-something. But those years keep stacking up lol. I am convinced I will feel the same way when I am 60…feeling like a young person that happens to be 60. While I hate to think about how long ago some of these fond times of my life were, I like the fact that I will probably stay young at heart well into old age. Age is just a number.

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