She (24F) is seeing someone long distance, but their foundation is weak. When things weren’t very serious, she and I (M22) used to fool around a lot (making out, hand/oral action, but never the whole way). Things kind of escalated and we enjoy each other’s company so we hang out almost every day. I admit, I like her a lot and she caught feelings too but she doesn’t want to accept it. Anyway, the guy wants to make it official and she kind of agreed to exclusivity to him but I’m sure shes not fully into it. We decided to keep boundaries and remain friends but the moment we find each other alone, things happen.
We went on a few weeks of no contact, but the day we met after the no contact period, we made out and I fingered her on a rooftop. Since then she’s been rejecting my advances but every time we hang out, we basically act like we’re dating.

We almost made out again today, but got stopped cause some of her friends interrupted us. I’ve noticed she acts very hot and cold and she’s extra attentive to me during her moody days. I’m not sure what to do, I think we’ve got something here but she’s only stopping herself cause of the other guy. She keeps telling me to date someone else but whenever we’re together its all rainbows and butterflies. Mixed signals all the way.

Should I pursue? should I let it go? Its kinda fucking with me. She says she wants to stop whatever we have but never acts like it. What do I do ?

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