The title is worded the way it is for a few reasons, first off I’m a guy who is most definitely asexual and no, I don’t feel any sexual attraction to her (not anyone, mind you). We are not young, we’re almost adults so it is not quite like middle school where nobody cared what you said.

I really, really get along with her in class. We share the same sort of values, mannerisms, and humor. We’re basically friends. Problem is, I’m a year younger than her and only in one 50 minute class with her each day. I’ve only really been good friends with guys before so I don’t know how to ask her to go places (like the mall) outside of school or meet up in the school (like the library) without anyone finding it weird.

There’s also another kink that could possibly exist but I’m really hoping it doesn’t. She doesn’t have a boyfriend and has done a few things before that suggest she likes me, so basically I don’t know if I’m romantically attracted to someone yet and I wonder if she would be someone who is also just romantically attracted to someone. If so, I am worried I will ruin any potential romantic relationship if I say I just want to be friends.

I’ve genuinely never felt a connection to someone like this before and fear it won’t be as easy to find once I graduate in two years.

I could totally be overthinking this too, but I don’t want to ignore it in case. Again, I would be very grateful for input. Thanks in advance!


There are these two girls who seem kind of cool and are in some of my classes. We don’t talk much but they seem to like some of the activities I do, so I want to try to get to know them more and maybe initiate a friendship with the both of them so we can just talk about what we like to do and typically goof around
I’d you can’t tell, I have only sisters, so I feel like I’d get along with girls better but again I don’t know how to initiate it in somewhere like a school.

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