TL/DR: I (23F) have been back and forth with my (24m) bf for about 2-3 years. I recently decided to give him one last chance after being separated for 5 months.Things have been well and he’s been changing to be better. We are working on trust and he wouldn’t let me see his phone. We wrestled for it as he would not let me see it for more then 2 mins without snatching it from my hands. Is that worth leaving?

We had trust issues, I found out he was
texting an ex before we began being back and forth.I believe we’re not all perfect and at one point I had talked to an ex as well so we both forgave and moved past it. Before we separated this last time,
we got into it because I saw he was buying OF content and it was a big deal that I wanted to look at his phone as that’s how I saw what he was doing. He told me that would never be a problem again but
a few days ago he got defensive and would not let me look at his phone and snatched it out of my hands anytime I tried to look on it. He says he’s not
doing anything and that he panicked but why panic if your not doing anything? I’m debating if this relationship is truly is worth my time. I get it everyone has their boundaries but I would assume
he would do anything to help gain my trust back if he really did want things to work. I typically don’t want to look at his phone but I had that gut feeling about it and was called crazy when I tried to ask him about things and what he was doing. I’m so stuck.

  1. We have trust issues? I don’t think it is we. There is no we have trust issues. You don’t trust him. That’s worth ending this. He is not going to stop doing what he is doing.

  2. Yeah this is a problem. It really sounds like there is nothing here to salvage. Move on

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