If you had the power to change one thing in your life, what will it be?

  1. Unlimited cash so I can live comfortably while studying languages and get degrees from around the world in as many humanity studies as possible without racking up a lifetime of debt and stress.

  2. The self preservation instinct in myself and others. Just tweek it down some so we can lessen all this hate, fear, and controlling behaviour.

  3. I’d snap my fingers and have instant financial freedom with a bank account that never runs out.

  4. I anonymously inherit $10 billion from a long-lost relative who died peacefully in his sleep.

    More within the realm of reality? I wish I could magically sell my house and downsize into a condo back in my hometown (but keep my 2.5% mortgage rate) all without having to do any of the work required on any of the steps.

  5. My weight. I a good 60 lbs overweight. It is a constant and losing battle damaging so many aspects of my life.

  6. My fucking gay brother and his tantrums im so fucking annoyed of him i just wanna die and peace out in hell or heaven.

  7. Make myself ageless, and disease immune too if I can swing it.

    Apparently that would get me an 800-year life expectancy, but with my relatively calm, low-risk lifestyle, I bet I could swing 1,000 – subject of course to the planet staying habitable for and inhabited by humans for that long.

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