He knows how many times we’ve been staring at each other. I just know it because as soon as I was staring at him, he did too and his eyes were like, “Aha! I knew you’d stare at me again.” Is it true that if you stare at each other, it’s almost like you can read each other’s minds? He doesn’t show any signs that he likes me and the way he looks at me just shows that he’s not really interested in me.

I don’t know what to do, should I talk to him about this? Because I’m feeling like it’s not just me that is not comfortable but also him. He’s sitting right in front of me in class and we’re often in groups together by teacher’s arrangements. But I haven’t talked to him. I don’t know how I should first approach him. I’m getting tired of the stares and I want it to stop.

If you were the guy, how would you react?

  1. Honestly, I’d react kinda how he is right now. Just keep an eye out and my head down. In terms of what you should do though- I’d find him alone at some point and ask him, “Hey, I think you are cute, do you want to hang out sometime?”

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