I (35F) was gifted 6 tickets to a very popular but exclusive event. First on my list is to take this guy I’ve been dating for 3mo. I’m trying to decide if I should just make it the two of us or invite others. If inviting others, should I just invite 2 of my couple friends? Or I invite one couple and let my man invite one couple too? I’m not sure if it’s awkward to intermix friends like that. I know there’s no right answer but just wanted to hear what other people would do. Thanks!

  1. Set up a double elimination bracket and have a rock/paper/scissors tournament to see who gets to come along.

  2. Who would you have the most fun with? Not only at the event – but reminiscing about the experience in the future?

    I know this guy is at the top of your list, but for me personally if I wasn’t ready to “intermix” him with my friends, I’d invite 5 of my closest long-term friends.

    Or if there were only 4 friends I wanted to invite, I’d give him the option of coming. He can decline if he doesn’t feel up to meeting that many new people at once: “Hey! Me and four of my friends are going to this event. Would you like to join us?”

    But for you, if you absolutely want him to be one of the people that come, I suggest including him in the planning process: “I have six tickets to this event. Are you available to come? If you are I was thinking I could invite a couple of my friends and you could invite a couple of your friends. Do you think that would work? I’m not sure if it would be awkward to ‘intermix’ our friends like that.”

  3. You could always ask him who he thinks you should invite.

    If it were me, and it often is in situations like these, I invite a datevand my friends.

  4. I’d invite 5 of your friends/family who you’d have a good time with and who have your best interest. Then ask bf if he’d like to join. Regardless, he will give you answer. This scenario, your close friends/family can see how well you mingle as Im assuming you see a future with him. Asking your bf’s friends to co mingle at such an exclusive event might not as planned if he asked his friends. Secure your needs first and see how this goes.

  5. It honestly depends on where you are with this guy.

    If it were me, and I know we want a relationship and I am ready to introduce him to my friends, I’d ask him to invite one friend of his and fill the other tickets with my friends. If I’m not ready, then I’d go with just friends.

  6. Three months seems to be a good amount of time to be dating someone, so I guess it depends on how serious you are with him. If you’re wanting things to progress and grow, I’d ask him for his input and go from there.

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