I can’t masterbate in my room cause it’s not just mine, I have to go to living room but living room has cameras and outside too. I mainly do it at night cause it sets the vibe I guess..

So bathroom is the best choice but there’s a few house spiders who are friendly, and I chicken out because what if spiders see me?

They are not humans but it’s so embarrassing? Is something wrong with me. Any facts about spiders senses that will make me lose fear about masterbating in bathroom?

Update: I brought out a little nightlight and turned the bathroom lights off for secure feeling, and did my business, not satisfying as I thought, then cleaned up, checked on the spider and it is not in the same place.

Had to run out!

Edit: Woah I didn’t expect people to engage here this much, I’m an entertainment huh?

  1. Just think of all the judging they’re doing as all eight of their eyes are watching you.

  2. i don’t know how *common* that would be but it sounds like you’re just really self-conscious. that’s ok. spider fact that might make you less afraid– they don’t have the neurological capacity to understand or care about what you’re doing. it’s probably still going to be something you’re self-conscious about, but that should fade with experience.

  3. Most spiders only see changes in tone ie dark and light.They also do not have the brain capacity to understand what you are doing. They also do not possess the communication skills to tell anyone what you have been doing. You are safe to fap.

  4. This can’t be real? Or you musts come from a super conservative, strict religious household.

  5. I was going to tell a joke that was gender-specific, so I looked up your profile lol…

    Of course, now I’m just more lost.

  6. Beware – Be very aware !
    Spiders have a secret agenda and compile records on who is masterbating.

  7. I am quite certain that a spider will not comprehend what you’re doing, nor would it care even if it did.

  8. I know people are poking fun at this, but if it’s genuinely making you distressed it could be an anxiety disorder, such as OCD or GAD. If anxiety effects other areas of your life it might be worth looking into getting some support.

  9. Yooo, I thought I was alone, I’m the same man😅. Whether I’m doing it in my room or the bathroom, I make sure that I check every corner beforehand😂

  10. A part of me just assumed this was a troll post. But the more I read it I think this person might be a little… Touched

  11. Don’t get a dog. Things get real weird when they’re under the bed sighing at you. Or worse, staring.

  12. Quite frankly, the spider has absolutely NO frame of reference for what you’re doing. They see a giant creature doing a thing, but they don’t understand what the giant creature is doing. You’re so profoundly different from a spider, it doesn’t have the framework to understand whether you’re male or female, or how your giant species makes the smaller giants. A spider literally doesn’t give a fuck what the giant thing is doing, as long as the giant thing isn’t going to threaten its life or its web.

  13. Studies have definitively shown that spiders are among nature’s most courteous and circumspect creatures. It has been consistently observed that, if they realize they are in a room with someone who is popping one off, they will politely face the wall and mind their own business until the individual who is “having a go” has completed their business and is off to continue their day. There is a practical litany of scientific literature to support these findings. In light of these incontestable facts concerning these refreshingly decent little arachnids, you have absolutely nothing to fear.

  14. lmao spiders is a bit far for me, but I do prefer if my cats aren’t watching when I do it.

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