I get along with my friends and like them but sometimes I feel like I’m the “punching bag” of the group in the sense that I’m the only one they all ever feel comfortable criticizing or being stern with.
I’m the newest addition to the friend group and due to previous bad experiences I always have it in the back of my head that they don’t actually like me or want me around but they’re just being nice.
For context I’m 28 y/o male and I met them in my last year of college before I graduated. We still hang out and all talk regularly despite them all still being enrolled. They’re also a group of mostly timid and asocial people who aren’t as outgoing either, But a reoccurring thing I’ve seen is that whenever I say or do anything that upsets, annoys or bothers some of them, they’re quick to reprimand and lecture me on it. Now this isn’t inherently an issue I feel since I’d definitely prefer them to verbalize if they have an issue with me than say nothing. But it becomes uncomfortable when I notice that that’s exactly what they do whenever anyone else in the group upsets or bothers them. They ignore it and try to write it off. It’s gotten to the point where sometimes it legitimately just feels like I’m being deliberately attacked or targeted and it sucks.
I’m not one of those ppl that believe that any Disagreements and conflicts in friendships means it’s instantly toxic and u should drop them, but I also don’t wanna fall into the same trap i have previously of being in a legit toxic friend group just because I don’t wanna be alone.

1 comment
  1. This is the story of my entire history of friendships throughout my life to the point where I am now absolutely a recluse. It’s been so long that I’ve learned to love my own company and find it annoying / difficult to get along with anyone else.

    Something I got told all the time was that I am “condescending.” I figured it’s because of my monotonous voice and resting bitch face. I can’t help either- when I tried to speak differently it showed through very clearly and people avoided me more for coming across fake.

    Are you timid / too easygoing? Sometimes people love to target folks like that to project their insecurities and make them feel better about themselves.

    My advice to you would be to immediately shut down their critique by physically turning away, or standing up and outright leaving their presence.

    Find things you like to do, maybe you can scour through YouTube for stuff like The School of Life videos and whatnot- and when they start berating you, quickly pull one of those up and act instantly occupied.

    Shut them down and when you can’t take it anymore, WALK AWAY. It’s not worth it and they’re not your friends if the interaction constantly exhausts you.

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