Ladies, who are you?. What makes you, you? Different from everybody else? Do you know who you are?

  1. I’m a lot of things. I’m a sister, a friend, a colleague. I’m a part time preschool teacher, full time sick. Dog owner, amateur photographer, gamer (though usually without using that term).

    I’m very, very sensitive and anxious but I’m very good at acting calm and usually make other people feel calm. I’m patient, I care a lot about others, I get along with everyone.

    I don’t know that I’m that different from other people. I think people are so much more alike than they think.

  2. Those aren’t questions that I find compelling. Who I am is always in flux. I always have the capacity to chose to be someone different. I am constantly changing. Growing involves becoming someone else to some degree. Being open to growth includes being open to change.

    I don’t believe that I’m drastically different from everyone else. I believe that I’m a human and that there’s only a finite amount of variety in humans. The exact details may be unique, but the overall themes are ones that I share with large chunks of humanity. And I’m okay with that. I don’t need to be utterly unique. I’m weird enough already.

    I don’t find the question of “Do you know who you are?” particularly meaningful. I am ever changing. Do I have a decent amount of insight into my own psychology as it exists right now? I believe so. I’ve certainly put in the work via therapy. I don’t necessarily believe that I have one single eternal identity though. I have many roles that I can step in and out of. I have paths along which I can grow and change.

  3. I’m a wife, a daughter, a sister, a woman in tech, a fur mom, and a Christian. I dont think of myself as different from other women.

  4. I’ve have BPD and a core issue of this is identity disturbance, so who I am is difficult to pin down at times.

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