Long story short, me [24M] and my co-worker [23F] liked each other for a while, things didnt really go well on my side and I had to cancel the first date with her, she seemd hurt but then I never initiated again due to some circumstances in my life.
I left that job and came back after few months, she is a completly different person with me now, doesnt even respond to my Hi when i walk into work.
Anyway, so the other day me and a girl (customer) were chatting and laughing, she saw what happened and went on to tell the owner that he is hitting on girls in the worlplace..
I got told off by the owner and we said we good.

My question is did she lie about me because of jealousy? Revenge, why would she try to hurt me like that? Does she even like me ?

She still gives me mixed signals sometimes, smiles, looks at me when im not looking, asks me to help her move things etc..

  1. That’s some toxic shiz that I wouldn’t even entertain the thought of giving any attention to.

  2. not cool. Someone that’s supposed to like you, but usually just strikes out at you they second they experience some sort of personal vulnerability is probably someone to avoid. Imagine having that person being the one you’re supposed to trust.. no thanks. Don’t feel flattered, you should be feeling off put. Either that, or you’ll learn the hard way.

  3. Sounds like she blames you for the date cancellation previously. In her mind, you’re a bad person and need to be called out.

    Just avoid her. She’s toxic.

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