Hello! So here’s the background. Me and my crush agreed to have a second “hangout” just the two of us after we had our first “hangout” (two of us only) last July. So in August, I tried setting up plans with her for the second hangout and she told me let’s pray about it first and I agreed (We are both Christians). So I asked her how her prayers has been, she told me she was still praying about it and asked her how my prayers been. I answered her back then asked her if God answered her prayers already. Then she just read the message and ghosted me

Then after 3 months, last Thursday, she reached out to me and told me sorry it took a while for her to respond. She told me she has no bad intentions, but she is just a coward on these things. She told me if it is ok with we talk this and if possible in person. I agreed to meet up with her in person and we will meet this thursday in my timezone

Is it possible she just reject me formally and end things in person. But I mean, to be frank, the relationship is broken already as of now and we are not friends already, after the fact she ghosted me. Or I am not sure, maybe she wants to talk about what happened, and wants to be friends again?

Any thoughts or advice for this one before I see her this thursday? Thanks

  1. Honestly? The best advice anyone can give you, is to stop having “crushes”. Its just a rabbit hole to misery and depression you dont want to hop in so enthusiastically. I know its so nice in the movies when it happens, but life is not like that at all, sadly.

    This is not to say “Stop pursuing romantic relationships” of course. Just do it properly, with self-respect involved if possible. Its better for both parties that way.

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