When I (22F) was a puberty-fueled teenager figuring myself out, I used to be able to orgasm easily by just stimulating the clitoris. At around 18 I moved to using mostly just a vibrator and never had trouble finishing. I rarely felt the need to insert anything, just the outside stimulation did the job. Rub it for a while, and boom. Done.

However, ever since I started dating my boyfriend (long distance, we haven’t met physically yet but do occasionally have sexual calls. Also my first relationship.) I’ve noticed that I can no longer finish with just my fingers while masturbating. Even with a vibrator it takes way longer than it used to. Now I have also started using a dildo/inserting my fingers because masturbating without any sort of penetration doesn’t feel “enough”.

Another change I’ve noticed is that now I enjoy masturbating wayyyy more than I used to. Everything feels more pleasurable physically and mentally, whereas before it just ranged from okay to good. My orgasms have gotten stronger too. However it is annoying when I just want a quick release and am unable to do so anymore since it now takes about 20-30 minutes. Sometimes longer, depending on whether I want to keep enjoying the process or not.

Have I just had a sexual awakening as I grew up/entered a relationship or should I be worried?

  1. Sexual preferences and needs evolve over time. Glad you’re enjoying yourself more now!!

  2. Wonderful how you note the transition.
    The body keeps changing and the attentive change with it.

  3. You are normal.

    Married almost 20 years, my wife and I (both 60+) have seen a lot of changes in how our bodies handle sex. It’s as good as ever. It’ll continue to change, and some acts and positions will either become your new favorite or fall to the wayside.

    My wife was a one orgasm kind of lady. Now she’s mulit more often than not. I usually orgasm once per day. Sometimes every 3 days. Sometimes twice a day. We just take it all in stride and keep adapting.

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