what is a trait your child has that you can not stand, but know that they 100% got from you?

  1. Mine is at the obnoxious teenage years so this is a real loaded question! I keep telling myself that this shall pass.

  2. Not my child, but my niece has started rolling her eyes like me with all of this babysitting I’ve been doing!

  3. Non. Stop. Talking.

    Constant stream of chatter. Endless. From waking up to falling asleep, can’t get a word in edgewise.

    I guess I can’t say that I HATE it, but it gets reallllllllly old and I just wish for silence for a few seconds. But I guess now I know how my husband feels.

  4. Nothing. Embracing my children’s personalities is good practice for showing myself love. I can love idiosyncracies in them first and then love those same traits in myself. Having kids has been good practice for me to be kinder to myself.

  5. Extreme stubbornness and being bossy!! Will turn into being a natural born leader with the right direction

  6. Everything is a GD negotiation with my kids. I don’t want blindly obedient robots as children, because those kinds of kids grow up into easy influenced adults. But OH MY GAWD just put your coat on and eat the dinner that was made for you PLEASE.

  7. Wanting to have the last word, no matter if she’s already been proven to be in the wrong. My dad always used to say to me, I hope you have a daughter one day who is just like you! Got me there!

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