I (21F) have a former partner (20M) and during our time together we had sexual contact. Neither of us had any previous sexual partners. A few months after this first encounter I find out from him that he was born with hepatitis. The reason I even found out is because of something unrelated to our relationship (some job he was applying for required him to not have certain medical conditions). He said the reason he initially didn’t tell me was because he didn’t know that it could be an issue. Lucky for me I was vaccinated for it already. Just to be certain I went in and got tested to make sure my vaccines were still active which they were so I don’t have any major concerns of contracting it myself. This honestly broke a lot of my trust and confidence in him though, as I’d hope someone is knowledgeable enough about their own health and how it could affect any partners before deciding to have sex. Be careful out there everyone and please remember to stay vigilant about your health!

  1. I didn’t know you could be vaccinated against hep, is it one of the strains or all of them?

    Secondly, this man clearly already knew, he intentionally put your life at risk, that’s really not cool. He could be charged for that shit if he infected you.

  2. I’m so glad you ditched him. I’ve read 50 posts this week of women staying with men that are literally assaulting them.

    You give me Hope!


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