This is going to be a train wreck of a post but bear with me.

This all starts about 3 and a half weeks ago, when this guy messages me out of the blue. We had been following each other but had never talked to eachother at all. He basically just says hey and we start messaging back and forth. A few days later, he asks me on a date, and we go on the date a week after we started talking. It went well and was a pretty regular first date. Afterwards I feel like things started going south a bit, mainly because of my own anxiety. He wasn’t seeming like he wanted to talk to me much anymore and so I asked him if he wanted to get together again, to which he responded “ill check my schedule!” Because this was a really vague answer and he didnt get back to me within the next 3 days i just kind of assumed he wasn’t interested, which wouldn’t have bugged me other than the fact that he wast honest with me about it. Finally im fed up and i just asked him “why wont you be honest with me?” He asks me what i mean so i tell him that it’s obvious he doesn’t want to get together again and that I dont understand why he doesn’t say that. He said “I didnt say that, Ive been so busy the past few days, im really sorry. Im free tomorrow if you want to do something?” Immediately I feel embarrassed and ashamed. I struggle a lot with anxiety and i definitely let it grab a hold of me. I apologized a bunch and we actually never ended up getting together because I was so embarrassed, i just didnt want to even acknowledge the whole thing. This was on Friday, and we’ve talked a bit since then and things seem to be okay. There still hasnt been any progress towards a second date or anything like that.

Heres where I am over complicating things
I REALLY like this guy. Like holy cow, i didnt know it was possible to like someone that much. Part of the reason i started following him in the first place was he started this organization on campus that is talking about a lot of issues that I am passionate about as well. His whole instagram is basically him speaking about political and religious things that I also agree with. I definitely am a little infatuated with him, and although I don’t know him very well I can tell hes a good guy. Another thing that is surprising is while I see all these great qualities and all that im not putting him on a pedestal and ignoring any bad things and thinking hes perfect. Ive already seen a couple of “flaws” but they aren’t red flags, hes just not perfect. Usually when i like someone i think they are perfect so I feel like this is progress for me. I guess the main thing here is I like him so much and im not sure what to do next. Part of me just wants to tell him all of these things im feeling and thinking but i dont think that is necessarily the best idea. Can anyone help me know how to move forward? I also want to preface this by saying I have a lot of anxiety and am self conscious, especially around him. I really dont want to mess things up because i like and admire him so much, and im still really embarrassed for jumping to conclusions and acting all silly like i did. Usually when i like someone i will tell them how i feel because it helps to stop obsessing over it, but this situation is different than others ive been in. Please help!!!

  1. Just wait for him to take the lead. You have FAR too intense feelings for the guy this early on so hold back and let things progress naturally. If he shows continued interest, great. If not, just move on.

  2. Unfortunately, he doesn’t owe you a “honest answer” to why he was hesitant to confirming another date. You will know when someone wants to be with you or go on another date. Keep your options open and move on.

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