Today (March 19th) in Italy we celebrate Father’s Day,on the day of San Giuseppe (St Joseph).

When is Father’s Day in your country? What do people usually do to celebrate it? Are there any special foods or activities for this day?

  1. In Germany fathersday is on ascension day in May.
    It depends on the area how big it is.

    (Nationwide holiday, most people use an additional day of vacation for friday so getting a 4 day Weekend)

    Tradition is mostly: a couple of fathers gathering together with a handcart filled with beer (either bottles or kegs)
    And enjoy wandering through nature while drinking. 😁

    Yes that’s germany in a nutshell. 😂😂

  2. I think some have imported the American version that is somewhere in June? Where it’s celebration of your father and you’re just supposed to give him a gift or something. Same as Mother’s Day but not as big. I don’t know, not very big.

    Name days are not celebrated. What would all those kids with new fancy names do then?

  3. Not as big as Mother’s Day but I think it is growing in importance. It’s in June.

    Kids in kindergarten and elementary school will typically make a little gift to give to their fathers. Used to be a lot of ashtrays from clay but it might be more cups today with less and less people smoking. Or they dye a necktie or make a drawing.

    How it’s celebrated totally depends on the family. Can be anything from absolutely nothing to a special meal or going out to eat or letting dad have a day off to do what he wants.

  4. It’s in November. Not big, but I wouldn’t say Mother’s Day is a big thing either.

  5. Here in the Netherlands, it’s just a regular day to show appreciation. When I was younger, me and my siblings used to make breakfast in bed for my parents.

    In school, we even made gifts for them. Nowadays, I just buy either parent a little something like a bottle of perfume or some chocolate. Nothing much.

    It just slowly becomes less important for both the parents and the kids as they grow older. My mom still buys her parents gifts every year tho.

  6. We don’t celebrate and it would feel weird if my kids would congrtaulate/buy/wish me a happy father’s day.

  7. Father’s Day is on the third Sunday in June and much like Mother’s Day (second Sunday in May) we usually have an extended breakfast or brunch with the family (children, parents and grandparents).

  8. Well, happy Father’s day! Here it’s not highly celebrated. Yes, kids might give they father a card and a gift, and they do have sales, but it isn’t as big of a deal as mother’s day.
    Also, it’s celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of June (so somewhere between the 18th and 21st, depending on what date falls on a Sunday.

  9. Clearly smaller than Mother’s Day. The fact that it’s celebrated at basically the worst time of the year (second Sunday in November) vs the best time of the year (May) could have something to do with it…

    Younger kids often make something in school for their dads for Father’s day. However, there has been some debate about this in the last decade or so, because it might upset kids without dads or kids with a bad relationship to their dad.

    For grown-up children, it’s common to visit their dads, perhaps give some small present, bake cakes, go out for dinner etc…

  10. It’s today in Portugal and Spain as well. Not as big as mother’s day I’d say, but I remember making gifts for my dad at school back in elementary.

    That said, it’s been increasing in popularity in the past few years, and you can see a lot of Father’s Day gifts ads pop up right after Valentine’s Day is over.

  11. I’ve never celebrated it but I don’t have a dad

    Mothers days is definitely much bigger though.

  12. It used to be national holiday, but it hasn’t been for 15-20 years already. You just congratulate fathers (some kids give them some present) and Josés and that’s about everything.

  13. There is one on the 21. -th of June I guess, but the fact that I had to Google it is telling on how well-known it is.

  14. 23 of June, so almost exactly one month after Mother’s Day.

    Similar to what others said. It’s less popular than Mother’s, (probably?) owing to the far stronger position of mothers when it comes to raising kids. Fortunately, that is changing.

    Usually people have coffee and give small gifts. Alternatively, go for a beer. But nothing special connected with it afaik.

  15. I’ve always found it a bit unfair that Father’s Day here in Sweden is in November and Mother’s Day in May. So mothers are celebrated at the most beautiful time of the year, when it’s all flowers and birdsong and you can be outside in nice weather, while fathers are celebrated at the gloomiest and rainiest, most depressing time of the year.

  16. My village sets up a place to have a public party, but that’s just because saint Joseph is supposed to be the patron of our lil village. It’s mostly an excuse to play music and drink.

    When it comes to Father’s day, it’s not really celebrated “officially”. When i was a kid in elementary school the activity of the day was to make a card to give your dad. Right now people either don’t care at all or just mention it and maybe give off a small present such as cooking breakfast or similar.

    Most people wouldn’t even remember the occurence if we weren’t reminded

  17. Its June 19th in the UK. My father scoffed at the idea, so do I. But my kids are really keen so I have made a rule: no cards or stupid presents but we make it a day were we all do something together. It may only be playing a board game or going out somewhere together but I refuse to let my family give any more money to Hallmark or Moonpig.

  18. Our Father’s Day is the first Sunday of October.

    I guess it’s not that big, but it might just depend on your own family. Children craft something as a gift in school, and older children might go out to buy something, but as I said, ot depends

  19. We don’t have a holiday for either the fathers or the mothers.

    On 8th of March we celebrate women’s day, but that applies to all women.

  20. Father’s Day is in June in Ireland. Mother’s Day is in March. It is next weekend.

  21. Same thing as mother day, at least in my family.
    Going to see him right now, and i even got some candy for him. I mean, the man gave me life and all, seems fair

  22. Close to non-existent, I guess many people would think you’re making some kind of joke, as Mothers’ Day exists, but not Fathers’ Day. Just like there’s a Women’s Day but there is no Men’s Day obviously.

  23. It is pretty big, despite always being March 19th and not a weekend (though this year it was). Lots of crowded restaurant parking lots yesterday.

    But big signs, promotions for “dad” stuff in all kinds of stores, supermarket aisles for wine, beers, toiletries, even “dad” books. big promotions of mens perfumes and all

    Maybe mother’s day is bigger (but it is always on the weekend) but father’s day is almost same scale, apart maybe from flowers.

  24. Considering the fact that there seem to be about 364 father’s days in a year, pretty fucking important.

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