
  1. There are no upsides. Conversely, there are no upsides to it being dark at 7 am. There are only so many daylight hours in the winter. The downsides of it being dark at 7 outweigh the downsides of it being dark at 5 pm for the vast majority of people. And, in a world where 90% of clocks automatically update, the inconvenience of having to manually change clocks has been largely eliminated.

  2. Holiday lights on earlier makes for a more interesting drive in the late afternoon/early evening

  3. Feeling like it’s too late to keep studying so you have to stop because you’ve studied “so much it’s already night”

  4. I live in the desert, so cooler evenings where you can actually go outside and do things without being scorched to death is a huge plus.

  5. “I can’t drive well in the dark, so if it’s after 5 I can’t go. Sorry.”

    I’m not sorry.

  6. Being from up north, I find the only upside of early sunset and late sunrise is it is why we get midnight sun in the summer. You have to take the one extreme to get the other. It makes the summer more wonderful in having the opposite to contrast it with. The earth’s tilt is what gives us both our summer and our winter, it’s two sides of the same coin. Sorry it is kind of a non-answer, but it is something I think about a lot every winter.

  7. Less traffic, for some reason less people go out in the dark, same with walking in the evening, there are less people you have to share the sidewalks with.

  8. It’s easier on the eyes. I usually don’t enjoy sunshine since it just irritates me. I would rather have it get dark early and overcast forever.

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