Really weird I know but my girlfriend was telling me about her family issues and she got really emotional. She eventually began crying so I started to comfort her but then I started to get hard and I was trying to hide it but she noticed and it all went down hill from then. She got disgusted with me and found it weird/strange that her tears ‘turned me on’ when it was nothing like that.

I have no clue why I got hard. Does anyone know why maybe it was the physical contact?

  1. I’m assuming you sleep with this girl sometimes? Ask her if she remembers a time where you woke up with a hardon. Ask her if she thinks this is something you consciously made happen IN YOUR SLEEP.

    Hard-ons just happen, sometimes. Yeah you can MAKE them happen by turning on the mind-porn, but that doesn’t mean you can make them NOT happen.

  2. Boners happen for absolutely no reason, dicks have a mind of their own (even as a girl, I know this, so don’t worry)

  3. Yeah, she’s not being fair to you. An erection isn’t an on/off switch. It doesn’t work that way. They can just happen.

  4. If you felt very loving because you wanted to comfort her and hugged her then that might have peaked your oxytocin which gave you an erection?

  5. Willy’s have a mind of their own. Its not your fault. I’m assuming it thought ‘my girlfriend is sad….let me remedy this!!’

  6. as other dudes said before, there is no reason for boner, and some times the reason is absolutely random touch, feeling etc. or you’re crazy guy, who gets boner from other people’s suffering. maybe that’s some hint on bdsm?

  7. Boners happen when your incredibly relaxed. I think you were just bonding with her outpouring of emotion. It does suck though.

  8. Yes I have experienced this a few times. It felt very inappropriate, but I can’t claim it was just a random boner that had nothing to do with the situation I was in.

    I think it’s because it is an incredibly intimate moment you are experiencing with your gf, which triggered arousal. Try to hide it if possible, as it’s not the kind of reaction she’d be expecting or be interested in.

  9. Maybe it was the emotional closeness of her sharing her deep emotions? Or maybe you were uncomfortable with her intense emotions and so sexualized the situation in order to avoid the discomfort (subconsciously)? Or maybe you were just already horny and so weren’t really listening to her expressing herself? Maybe you love her and subconsciously thought that having sex would help her feel better so got hard?

  10. It could be lots of things from empathy to sadism. it’s up to you to figure it out and you’d be better of to do so.

    when your gf is over her family issues, I’d have a convo and ask for some explanations. most likely her reaction was in a bad faith. not the end of the world, but a chance for both of you to reflect and grow.

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