Hi so I’ve (23f) been dating my bf(21M) for more than a year. We’re long distance but manage to see each other once every 2 months.
We recently had an argument in which he was largely at fault and we didn’t talk for a day. I texted him the next day about how I was feeling about the issue and everything (i believe things can be solved via communication). He saw that message and didn’t reply. After 3 days I asked him if he was there and it’s also seen. It’s been 5 days and we used to talk daily even if we were busy we spared a few mins to catch up. Everything was okay but now I’m kinda torn as why is he doing this. All responses would be appreciated.

1 comment
  1. Being “largely at fault” he’s probably feeling guilty, trying to save face, or doesn’t know how to handle things yet. I suggest you back off and give him more time. There really isn’t much else to do, otherwise you would be putting pressure he could do without. He knows where you are when he is ready to get back in touch. In the meantime, you’ll just have to do your best and move on.

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