So, I posted in another sub yesterday, but was told this post would fit better here.

I (26F) have been dating a 43 year old woman since late September. She’s a lot of fun and has an energy that’s youthful, but also mature. We’ve really clicked and I feel like there’s potential for something great.

She told me in the beginning that she has a daughter who is grown and lives out of state. That was no big deal. I later found out that we are less than a year apart in age. My immediate thought was “Yikes, how can she not be reminded of her daughter when she’s intimate with me?” Then I pushed that thought out of my head, and told myself to be less judgmental. I also reminded myself that I hadn’t noticed any red flags, or anything that said this was something creepy.

The night before last, we were cooking dinner at my house and her daughter FaceTimed her. She gave me the phone and introduced me as her friend. It was a short conversation, but I don’t remember much of it because I was trying to be polite and introduce myself while internally freaking the f out.

**This girl looks like she could be my sister.**

After the FaceTime, my brain immediately returned to the judgmental thoughts, and this time they have been much harder to dismiss. I’m afraid that I’m overreacting, and now me being in my head is going to ruin things.

It’s been hard not to replay every interaction we’ve had to see if I remember anything weird.

The only other thing that *could* be a thing is that in the beginning she told me she was “looking for a girlfriend to play dress up and do makeup, cuddle, and basically all the things you remember from sleepovers.” At the time I didn’t think anything of it. She was honest with me about feeling that she missed out on a lot because she had her daughter at a young age. I do realize it’s probably a stretch to call that a red flag, but it does stick out to me more now that I’ve seen her daughter.

I guess I’m really just hoping that she doesn’t just have me around to fill in for the daughter that she’s missing. And then it’s more complicated because we have a sexual relationship, and I have similar features to her same aged daughter.

On one hand, I feel like I have a right to be a little put off, but on the other I feel like my mind is trying to create a problem where there isn’t one. She’s been nothing but kind to me, so that makes me feel even worse for judging her the way I have.

I have decided that I would still like to try to make it work if it’s possible. I want to bring I up how I’m feeling, but I don’t know what to say. I’m also really anxious about how she would even respond. I don’t want to sound like I’m accusing her something sinister.

Any advice on how I can get over the uncomfortable feelings and move forward would be much appreciated!

TLDR: I’m dating a lady who’s same age daughter looks similar to me. I want to continue the relationship, but I’m not sure how to shake the feeling that this is weird.

1 comment
  1. Try saying …you know what? Your daughter looks quite a bit like me. Kind of unnerving would you say?
    If she is silently dazed say…I’m not a substitute daughter am I?
    Then listen carefully if she says no just a consequence and you believe her let it go.
    If you don’t address the obvious it may make the relationship one where you don’t talk about what bothers you.

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