I, 17f just finished tapering off of Lexapro. Since then I’ve been Squirting everytime I’m intimate with my boyfriend, and it (no pun intended) came out of nowhere. I was on Lexapro for around 2-3 years at 20mg, and while I was on it, it inhibited the pleasure I could feel, and it wasn’t as easy to orgasm like it is now.

Now that I’m off it, it’s been happening constantly back to back, and anytime I’m touched at all down there it’s almost unbearable with how good it feels. Idk if it’s because the pill is a SSRI, but I find it odd that it happened all of a sudden.

I looked it up and nothing comes up. Does anyone know why this could be happening?

  1. Lexapro is an SSRI, and sexual side effects are pretty commonly reported in this subreddit. My wife is on a different one, Celexa, and it killed her ability to orgasm and has reduced her libido. She’s working with her shrink to try other drugs in hopes of reucing those side effects.

    Congratulations on your “cumming out” party! 😂👍

  2. I (37f) can’t confirm if this is true, but I also recently tapered off of 20mg Lexapro and switched to 50mg Zoloft. I have been squirting more since I switched SSRIs and didn’t even make the connection. But correlation does not equal causation, so it could just be coincidental. I have just experienced similarly, so who knows?

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