Hi. Does anybody know of a good forum for neurodivergent folk or just weird introverts?

‘neurodivergent’ is not a label I used to use for myself but one which a former autistic friend applied to me 🤔 I hyperfixate like her, but medically I have OCD and mild anxiety. But really it’s the hyperfixation part and just generally being a weird introvert that makes me ally with this label. I think joining an autistic spectrum / ADHD forum would be inappropriate for me even if I might find some commonality between me and them. So is anybody aware of a general ‘neurodivergence’ forum for UK folk?

I try making friends on reddit but it’s just a load of failure to be honest… I won’t get into that. Even that friend was from reddit 🤷‍♂️

That or a forum for ‘manic pixie dream’ people lol because I’m the male version of ‘manic pixie dream girl’. I imagine people like this might not be readily available online. I have/had a friend like this… But again a lot of people on reddit come and they go and you never know if they’ll return, no matter how long you spoken with them 🤷‍♂️

  1. This is an oversimplification, but the truth is: going about labelling yourself for no apparent reason is something that not many Brits do. Hence, I reckon “neuro-diverse culture” hasn’t taken hold in the UK. I think you’ll have to look quite hard for a suitable subreddit. But good luck, I suppose.

  2. Late night boredom has me here but as someone with anxiety and depression who’s struggled with being social hopefully this helps.

    Reddit isn’t the best place to make friends. It’s like asking someone on a date when you’re in a doctor’s reception. Nothing wrong with it really, but time and place really matter and help.

    Friends tend to come from shared interests where you’re both in a space looking to be social. Gaming is a huge one right now, especially after lockdown.

    As an introvert myself, I found the key to avoiding stand-offish people and getting trapped in the ‘oh god I’m bad at this’ mindset is to go in expecting nothing, put zero pressure on getting a result and realising things take time. Also helps to realise it takes two people making the effort, it’s not all on you.

    It’s seriously a numbers game and for anyone who doesn’t have those social circles they’ve had since school or Uni thats doubly important to remember.

    Best of luck to you, and hope it goes well.

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