I want to preface by saying I’m not materialistic or fancy by any means, and I hardly ever wear makeup. Day to day, I love jeans, t shirts, and sweats as much as the next person. I do, however, try to put in some effort for first dates to at least look cute and put together.

I’ve been on many first dates where the other person shows up looking sloppy, for lack of a better word. I’m not expecting them to show up in a suit, but there’s something about looking like they just rolled outta bed that’s a BIG turn off 😬 I’m talking messy t shirts, messy hair, etc.

Is this a common thing? Or a me problem? 😂 I honestly feel like an idiot when I show up looking nice and they look like they didn’t even try. A few of them have even commented about their own appearance. Wtf?! Like..just do better? What’s the deal??

  1. I am curious what you mean by sloppy, not an attack just for future reference. I usually dress on the place most of the time jeans and a nice plain shirt or something for anything that isn’t a restaurant

  2. everyone has their own preferences…nothing wrong with wanting the other person to put some effort in looking nice….1st impressions are important and if they don’t understand this…then that tells me a lot about that person

  3. I only care if they’ve showered and wearing clean clothing.

    Turn off’s. Over dressed. Too much make up. And their handbag cost $5k.

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