Hi All,

I am quite young and very inexperienced in dating this I need your help.
I have am dating a guy at the moment and went to his place recently. It came to sex but he didn’t want me to stay over because he starts working really early. When I was about to leave and already standing next to the door, he whispered into my ear ‚you are very cute, you know that?‘. I replied ‚I could say the same thing about you, Mister‘ in a joking voice. Then he kissed me. Since then he kinda lost interest and takes a lot of time to reply. Did I say something wrong? How could I have handled the situation in a better way? And what did he mean?

  1. It doesn’t sound like you did anything wrong. It sounds like he wanted to get laid and led you on. The compliment is a breadcrumb, something to keep you coming back. Don’t beat yourself up, but move on.

  2. Why is the headliner him calling you cute and not the sex that occurred… seems like him finding you at least cute at that point would be obvious

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