What is the maximal number of times you returned to the same ex? Why?

  1. The only time I really returned to an ex was for the sex, never to be back in a full blown relationship.

  2. Only for hook-ups. Never for something something serious. There is a reason that they are an ex.

  3. Only once but I regret it regardless. I was very much in love with her, moreover she was hot as hell and her social skills were so top-tier that everything with her seemed super-smooth and effortless and dealing with other women seemed like an one-sided, heavy-work ordeal.

  4. Most I ever did was three times. It’s kind of funny how good sex can make a bad relationship look palatable. It took three times for me to learn a painful lesson.

  5. We never really broke up or spent time apart for reasons related to our actual interest in each other. Her life and mine have been all kinds of crazy and full in different ways in the time we dated, and when she has had to step away to figure things out, it never left me thinking “I don’t want to enjoy us more if the opportunity arises”.

    This last time is probably the last though. If she figures out her shit and wants to do it for real, I’m game. But then, life is long and who knows.

    The deeper why is simple: I’ve never loved or been loved the way we have, and for whatever flaws, it feels like the most “real” a connection has been with a partner.

  6. Twice. Because I thought she was worth it. Then, I realized she was never going to give me what I needed, so the last time, I made the choice to end it.

  7. I have one that I still return to between relationships. I ain’t proud of it, but sex is sex and she does things I like. We won’t ever have a relationship, but we fuck because its good. She doesn’t want kids, and doesn’t want a relationship, so it works out. I have been back with her numerous times, maybe 100?

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