I seem to lose interest in people I casually date after three months, it’s not that I don’t have fun, or aren’t into them. I am but in friendship, though my issue is I can’t talk/see/hook up with others while I’m “seeing” someone. So I kind of get distant and slowly disappear? I don’t wanna be this way, I like the person I’m seeing but I’m seeing the pattern arise, I’m already becoming cold and detached. Talked to a friend about this the other day she asked if I was self sabotaging and I don’t think I am. Anyone relate? Or is this temporary feelings…

  1. Nobody will know from this much of information. It will be like that until you resolve your own internal issues. It will not stop on its own.

  2. “my issue is i cant talk see hookup with others while seeing someone”….why would you even think that is acceptable….just dont date or be in a relationship…just talk see and hookup with people…simple solution

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