So I myself (26M) have never dated nor been on a single date in my life. Since high school to college I have always been too busy with sports (more in high school), schooling, and work to focus on dating. There always has been a desire to do so but never a priority. Now with much more free time I want to get out there but the thing that makes me nervous (among other things) is how will people judge that. I personally feel some might hate it because they feel the lack of experience is a detriment to the success of a relationship. However I wanna hear what others think. When a girl hears a guy has never dated or been on a date does that immediately turn them away? How important is it for girls (or guys too, would love to both sides) when you hear that, especially given an older age?

  1. There will always be people who automatically judge based on preconceived labels, but really what matters most is how you carry yourself as a person. I’m almost your age too bro and have never dated for the same reasons. If you have healthy self-esteem and emotional security, the label doesn’t matter at all, it doesn’t define a person unless you let it.

  2. Dude, it doesn’t matter. I started dating when I was nineteen and admitted to the first woman I’ve dated, who was a year older than me mind you, that aside from a few antics when I was like 15/16, I had zero experience. I was so clueless that she had to teach me how to properly make out for Christ’s sake! Most women are not that superficial- if they like you, then they will not give two shits about your prior experience. Now get out there are have the time of your life!!!

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