How do you glow up physically and mentally?

  1. Self concept. Look at improving your self concept. Believe you are worthy, beautiful, smart, healthy. Start exercising. Just start. Walking, whatever you feel. The key is consistency. The physical helps the mental and the rest will follow.

  2. Be a really lovely, kind, supportive, encouraging, honest friend to yourself, the kind of best friend that you always wanted and needed.

    Stop waiting for other people to be that friend to you, and take responsibility for being that friend to yourself.

  3. Love yourself, everything about yourself because each one of us is beautiful just the way they are. Do not let anyone project their insecurities on you. Work on the things you think should be changed in your personality, to be more positive or optimistic, it will project on your physical appearance as well. You might think that this is nonsense but you’ll see that once you work on your mental health, it will directly project onto your physical health.
    And if you want to work on your physical appearance, (this might be a personal opinion), do not get influenced by those who run to plastic surgery and end up looking just like one another, and getting addicted to it, because it’s just like a drug and it’ll eventually affect you negatively. Instead, exercise, go on walks, eat healthy. I promise these will also reflect onto your mental health and make you feel much more comfortable and happy in your own skin.

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