There is this girl(28f) I (30m) used to date and sleep with in an on and off basis for a while (1y) until (a few weeks ago) she completely cut things off with me saying that she doesn’t reciprocate my feelings.

Recently one good friend of hers started to show a lot interest in me and I think she would like me to ask her out (she is hot and seems to be nice so I would be down). The thing is that I’m sure that she doesn’t know about my situation with her friend and I’m not sure how either of them would feel about this should I decide to move forward with it and find out later.


  1. Are you sure she doesn’t know? I don’t see the harm of asking her out but you could let her know early on you were involved with her friend. That might be a deal breaker for some, but the past is the past to others. You don’t have to list specific details, but I’d be surprised if they were good friends that this would’ve have come up already.

  2. it is over between the other girl…so all is fair. how could a good friend of hers not know…

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