Okay so this has never happened before but after sex with my boyfriend, I came VERY hard. It was amazing. Then after it was over we cuddled and I just started crying. Idk it felt so good and it was just beautiful. Any other women ever experienced something like this?

  1. It’s not uncommon. Cumming- especially that hard- can make your brain flood with chemicals and it can be overwhelming sometimes. Enjoy it and let your partner know there’s nothing to worry about 🙂

  2. I’ve cried about 2-3 times after sex, and unfortunately, they’ve all been sad tears. In your case, what you’re experiencing is 100% normal. A lot of women cry happy tears after an orgasm.

  3. My boyfriend has given me some of the most mind blowing orgasms that have brought me to tears. When it first happened, I had no idea what was going on because I wasn’t sad and it was pretty confusing but I felt great after!

  4. I almost cried the other night because I couldn’t handle how in love with my boyfriend I was after sex lol. It was OVERWHELMING. HES THE BEST THING TO EVER ENTER MY LIFE. Now I’m emotional again damn it.

  5. It sounds like sub drop. Intense orgasms equal more oxytocin released in the brain. When that wears off it leaves you in an almost depressed state. It’s a normal after effect to intense pleasure. Eating chocolate usually helps me with it.

  6. I’ve done it too when I’ve had like e 4 orgasms in a row (w myself). The last one, which is usually a vaginal orgasm w my dildo, is like a push over the edge and i just cry. First time it happened to me I felt a little scared, sort of ashamed for it. But now I use it almost in a therapeutic way; say I haven’t cried for a while and a lot of stressful/bad stuff has happened, I cum like 5 times in a row and cry to let some steam out. I don’t feel sad when that happens, so it’s more of a seize the moment-thing. Never done it after sex but I haven’t had THAT intense orgasms with another person before

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