I went on a date Wednesday and told the girl to text me when she got home and she did immediately when she got home and said “I just got home safe! Thanks again for dinner and the flowers!”. I was taking to a friend and mentioned I though a girl texting first after a date even in the situation where I asked her too when she got home is a sign that she is interested much more often than not. They disagreed. I was correct that she was interested. But now I’m just curious as to wether the general consensus is most girls would not text first in that Situation if they planned on ghosting or not going out again or if it was just a coincidence that I was correct.

  1. Bro that’s just a got home safe and thank you text stop overthinking it, it’s not a sure sign of anything.

  2. >I went on a date Wednesday and told the girl to text me when she got home and she did immediately when she got home and said “I just got home safe! Thanks again for dinner and the flowers!”.

    I think the girl was being respectful to your request, as you were concerned about her well-being on whether or not she got home safely. She was being nice and wanted to make sure that she arrived safely. When I went on a few dates and the guy wanted to know whether or not I got home safely, I would text until I get home that I arrived home safely just so I don’t worry them to death or something. Answering your question depends on the girl. Some girls might be shy and probs would like the guy to answer first. Some who are direct might text first.

    That being said, whether or not a second date would happen… I would ask her to be honest. It is hard to detect the tone over text. It’s also hard to detect ghosting as we don’t know if she’s busy in her life (if she’s interested, she would continue to initiate the conversation). Don’t let confirmation bias get to you based on the interaction as we don’t know how she feels about a second date unless you openly ask her. I would tell her thanks for the night and ask her if she’s interested in a second date. If she feels ready, she might say yes. If she’s 50/50, she might say that she needs time. If she’s not ready for a second date, she will say no.

  3. You brought her flowers on the first date. Damn. That’s romantic as fuck. I just show up on time.

    It doesn’t mean there is a second date. If you want a second date say that and set a time and place.

  4. As a girl, if I text after a first date it usually means it went well and would be interested in a second. And I assume the same if whomever I went on a date with texts me.

    If I wasn’t interested in seeing the person again, even upon request, I’d probably not text them I was home safe or if I did it would be a gentle let down like hey I’m home tonight was fun but I’m not feeling this.

  5. I will, if asked, text that I got home safe. But that doesn’t indicate interest. However, if asked and I am interested, I will text and to encourage continued communication I will bring up something that he and I talked about and take my cues from there.

  6. I think it depends on the woman, but I would not bring flowers on the first date. Not all women, but some women may view it as desperate or trying too hard. Some women like it so it is hard to give an accurate rule of thumb.

    As for a second date, you will never know until you ask. Seems like she had some sort of interest. At the same time. It vs. Be a courtesy for the first date and did it because you weren’t a bad person or gave a bad impression.

    Ask for a second date. If nothing bad happened and you had a good first date, ask for another one and build from there.

  7. Typically? No.

    I’ve had plenty of girls confirm they got home safe and then quietly reject a second date or ghost.

  8. Bringing flowers is a nice gesture but women who have been love bombed in the past may see it as a yellow flag. I once had a guy set up a picnic for me on our first date and I was head over heels, only to later find out that his efforts weren’t fully sincere and he just liked the chase. So now I get cautious whenever I see romantic gestures early on. I would recommend bringing it on the second or third date since the first date is more like a screening of whether you two vibe or not.

    I do think it’s a good sign that she texted first though. I text first when it was a good date and I know that I’m interested to see him again. If I’m meh about it, I wait for the guy to text.

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