What are some less cliche ways to tell a buddy “I”m here for you”?

  1. If you need to tell someone you’re there for them, it’s not the time to worry about being cliche.

  2. Your friend doesn’t care if you’re speaking in clichés. they care you’re there for them. Speak in your own voice, whatever that is.

  3. If you’re asking about this then I guess you lean into the more passive side of things and don’t like to put your nose into other people’s business.
    I’m the same, one way to say I’m here for you is:

    “Hey man look we’ve been friends for (state the year) and quite frankly thats way too much i need new friends but until that happens just know that i got your back whatever it is im your man”.

    If he replied with something along the lines of nah I’m good bruh.
    Tell him that you’re dead serious and maybe a pat on the back if you are sitting next to each other or put your hands over his shoulders (try a gesture that makes him feel safe and comfortable to help him open up to you).

    I think that’s a good way to do it especially if you both understand sarcasm (for the i need new friends part).

    Best of luck and like other comments said when your boy is in need don’t worry about cliche worry about your friend.

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