Hi everyone,

I’ll try and explain the context super quickly. So, last year me and my boyfriend and his friends all had a Kris Kringle thing set up. We went over to his friend’s house and she and her boyfriend had invited about ten people. One of these people, I’ll call N, was friends with another guy, D, who wasn’t invited to the Kris Kringle because he wasn’t super close with my boyfriend’s friend.

Last year, D was teaching my boyfriend boxing with a few other friends around, and he has a massive ego problem. So my boyfriend got a good punch in (was just training, his punch wasn’t hard and it was more of a jab because he was practicing landing hits without being blocked). D got pissed and punched my boyfriend hard in the face, so hard that he fell over and his nose bled. Obvi after this him and D stopped being friends. But N was still friends with D.

At the Kris Kringle, which happened after the boxing incident, N had happened to be given my boyfriend as his gift recipient. We all had put up wish lists and the unspoken rule is that you buy something from the person’s wish list. Basically N bought my boyfriend something that wasn’t on his wish list – it was a boxing glove or shirt (don’t remember exactly) with the word “Knockout!” on it. I later learned that D and N had laughed about it and decided to choose that gift for my boyfriend.

Now obviously, I’m pissed off for my boyfriend. N isn’t invited to this year’s Kris Kringle because he kind of drifted away from the group and is an overall asshole, but a few of the guys are still in a bit of contact with him. So I’d like to pass along a gift for him.

Does anyone have any ideas for gifts that are a jab at him? I don’t know much about him. I know he enjoys boxing but isn’t super into it, I don’t want to get him anything useful that he would be happy with. I was thinking maybe a shirt with a message on it that would embarrass him.

My boyfriend is okay with me doing this. I did ask him. He says he knows it’ll cause a stir but didn’t say anything when I asked if it was okay. I think he might feel bad saying yes – but I don’t think he minds. And if he ends up minding, I obviously won’t do it.

Any ideas would be helpful. My budget is $30 AUD. Thank you!!

Tl;dr. Boyfriend’s ex-friend insulted him at last year’s Christmas party by making fun of him getting punched by giving him a mean gift. Need a gift for this ex-friend for this year’s party that will have the same effect on him.

  1. Poking at someone, on someone else’s behalf, signals a couple things:

    Your bf is having you fight his battles for him…or, you want to stir things up that he, himself is not. (Think of how it will look to everyone else if he does nothing after an insult…but you do).

    Either way, I think the gift should come from him or that you should prepare for the fallout directly. Don’t expect your bf to shield you from the response.

    Beyond that, insult away and be ready for the come-back to land.

  2. >So I’d like to pass along a gift for him.

    This reads poor boundaries and taking on unnecessary emotional labor.

    What need is this going to fulfil for you?

  3. Oh, drop it. The guy isnt even going to be there; his behavior has rendered him no longer part of the group, sounds like.

    It would be an anticlimatic at best…. you are going to ask another guest at the party to pass on an insulting gift to someone who gave a rude joke gag gift to your bf and year ago and is no longer even relevant? You are not going to make you or your bf look cooler or feel better by doing this.

    Quit being such an unneccessary pot stirrer or you might be dropped from the guest list next.

  4. Seriously? Let it go. He’s not even there so what are you gaining from this? Don’t be surprised if your gift is a t shirt that says I need therapy

  5. Are we adults in this situation or are we middle schoolers? If people are disrespecting you, you either call them out on it or you distance yourself. Quit these petty immature games, it’s been over a year. Smdh.

  6. You’re not living in the movies. You’re not the plucky, clever little heroine.

    This isn’t going to do anything but make you (and by extension, your BF) look petty as fuck that you carried this wound and this drama around for a year, then spent time and money trying (and most likely failing) to take a jab at someone who isn’t even in your lives any longer.

    Enjoy the *scheming* if you want, but don’t actually do it. It can be fun to think about but it’s not gonna work the way you want it to and it won’t achieve anything except drama and eye-rolling.

  7. Let this incident fade away. Your bf dropped his friendship with the guy. He dealt with it in a mature way, and now it is in the past.

    Don’t drag it up again. Stop talking about it to your br or anyone else. Your bf may act like he doesn’t care if you do this, but he probably wishes you would just quit talking about it and let it go.

    Spend your money on something pleasant, not on childish petty payback.

  8. Putting too much thought into a situation you should ignore and forget the person.

    Ps N isnt a good friend

  9. This is going to make you and your boyfriend look childish and petty. Your boyfriend will look weak because it looks like he sent you to fight his battles. And after getting a bloody nose from D, it will really look like he was to scared to retaliate so he sent you.

    You look childish and late as well. Late because it happened a year ago. You should have said something in the moment. And childish because why are you dragging another friend into your plan by asking them to deliver an insulting gift. Why are you trying to drag them into your drama.

    If I heard this story, I wouldn’t laugh at D or N. I would think you were the petty one.

  10. Why don’t you put your energy into something that matters. Maybe give some Christmas spirit to someone who needs it, you.

  11. You’re feeling bad is projection ( projecting your feelings of outrage or humiliation or revenge or deprivation of a Xmas gift) onto your bf.

    It’s more like what a mother can feel when someone hurts their kid.

  12. What the fuck are you doing?

    Just leave it alone, man.

    You don’t need to try to get revenge on something that happened a year ago.

  13. A senior monk and a junior monk were traveling together. At one point, they came to a river with a strong current. As the monks were preparing to cross the river, they saw a very young and beautiful woman also attempting to cross. The young woman asked if they could help her cross to the other side.

    The two monks glanced at one another because they had taken vows not to touch a woman.

    Then, without a word, the older monk picked up the woman, carried her across the river, placed her gently on the other side, and carried on his journey.The younger monk couldn’t believe what had just happened. After rejoining his companion, he was speechless, and an hour passed without a word between them.

    Two more hours passed, then three, finally the younger monk could contain himself any longer, and blurted out “As monks, we are not permitted a woman, how could you then carry that woman on your shoulders?”

    The older monk looked at him and replied, “Brother, I set her down on the other side of the river, why are you still carrying her?”

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