Hello this is my first time posting here and would like to know your experiences.

My fwb and I met yesterday and we just mainly did orals and no PIV action. Well, it was mostly me (F) who gave him oral sex. I gave him blowjobs yesterday and it was indeed rough and he made me swallow his cum.

When I went home last night I was super tired. Most likely from the thing we did. So Just this morning when I wokeup I felt sick and was contemplating whether or not I should attend my PE classes. But I did anyways.

Tired from PE, I got home and was feeling sick /weak already. I asked our maid to touch my neck to see if I have a fever and she said I have a slight fever. I’m in the car now as I type this and I feel sick.

Ive read some in the internet that this could be a semen allergy or STD-related (which I’m really scared). Can someone enlighten me or give me advice about this?

  1. yes you can get STIs from oral sex but don’t rule out regular sickness as well. I’m in the US and the flu and RSV are rampant here right now, plus COVID is still a thing. I won’t pretend to know what the incubation period is for every possible illness, but it’s probably too soon for you to be symptomatic from that hookup. have you been exposed to other illnesses or allergens recently?

  2. The tldr answer is that you didn’t get sick from swallowing the semen. I’m assuming you’re referring to feeling acutely unwell with fever, lassitude and general I’ll-feeling. This could be a number of reasons including influenza like illness, COVID, or a UTI. The incubation period for a STD is too long to coincide with the timing of your semen ingestion under 24 hours.

    If you’re still feeling unwell tomorrow I advise seeing medical attention. Hope you recover soon!

  3. Some people are allergic or otherwise sensitive to semen. If they swallow it, they will get symptoms of gastric distress: upset stomach, nausea, even diarrhea.

    There are infectious diseases that you can get during oral sex, but none of them, so far as I know, can show symptoms in less than a week.

    It seems to me — **not** a medical professional — that you are tired from the rough night and perhaps you have a slight cold as well.

  4. I once dated this guy and every single time he finished in my mouth I’d get sick. Like throwing up, stomach nausea sick. It was awful…. Has never happened with another guy, only this one. Turns out he eats a lot of seafood and seafood and I don’t mix well. Maybe it’s a similar situation?

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