men who go to gym most days of the week, how would it make you feel if the girl you like chose a dude with a dad bod who never goes to the gym over you?

  1. I’m not competing with him. I’m not going to the gym to be better than him.

    She is allowed to have a preference that isn’t me. I guess I’m not her type.

  2. Different strokes for different folks. Not everyone wants someone who’s in good shape.. and being in good shape is just one of a million things someone might find attractive in a person.

    Personally, I like a woman that’s a bit softer with natural curves over one that’s super toned and muscular.

    So, I can empathize in that decision. 😂

  3. She isn’t the first woman I’ve liked and won’t be the last. Plenty in the future will appreciate my gym bod.

  4. The girl I like is my girlfriend, and she gets progressively more lustful as I get bigger / leaner. It’s like 60% of my motivation for getting up at 6 to lift lol. If she said she prefers dad bods I’m not sure what I’d do. I like to think I would keep giving it my all in the gym but I’d almost certainly cut back a bit.

  5. I dont go to the gym for women. I do it to be healthy, raise my self esteem, and to be stronger. Maybe they’re just a better match personality wise. Nothing worth worrying about.

  6. I generally assume girls aren’t actually that turned on by an overly muscled body. I like being big and strong, I get noticeably more attention from girls when I’m injured or something and slim down.

    But.. frankly I work out because I enjoy the feelings of progression, accomplishment, and ‘overcoming’.

    I also greatly enjoy the mental stimulation following a good workout. I feel like for the next 2-4 hours my brain is more active.

    So to answer your question.. I wouldn’t notice the factor of our body differences when processing the significance of her being with him instead of me. I might consider whether I could beat him in a fight. But I think that’s a background calculation most men make regarding every other man the meet :/

  7. Small Brain: Going to the gym to get women

    Big Brain: Going to the gym because being strong is useful, being fit is good for you, and knowing the women will come as a byproduct

  8. I go to the gym to improve my cardio and strength. Chicks and looks have nothing to do with it.

  9. So maybe you can learn that many women want more than just a guy with a great physical body. And they want emotional gratification and perhaps someone who’s just not focused on his looks.

  10. When i still could, i couldnt care less about that.
    He must have something i dont. Hopefully its something i dont want to have but i’ll probably never know anyway.

    Working out is for much more than your attractiveness. Its for your health, your mind set, your mental health, your confidence, discovering your body, mastering your body, not being restless, get the habit of getting out of your comfort zone, having more energy and i must forget à few.

    I never made one rep thinking of getting laid.

  11. That is her preference. I don’t workout to look better for girls or compete against other guys. I workout because it’s like a therapy for me it makes me feel good.

  12. Going to the gym every day is a waste of time. Why start doing something like that when your not going to be able to mantain that body as you age anyway. Fitness is good, but trying to look like Junior Arnie is for idiots

  13. Wouldn’t bother me in the slightest. I can’t tell you how many women I’ve heard say they choose a man with a dadbod, for a long term relationship, on purpose because she doesn’t have to worry about another woman wanting him and taking him from her.

    As a fit guy myself, I have plenty of options when it comes to women and I could not care less if another woman doesn’t want me. There are many more who do.

  14. I go to the gym for my health. I’m 46 and can honestly say I could probably kick the shit out of my 26 year old self. Looking good is a byproduct that comes with benefits but that’s not all there is to it.

  15. I’ve been passed over for less fit dudes a bunch of times in my life. Never bothered me. I learned really early that working out wouldn’t do much for me socially if I wasn’t funny and could hold a good conversation, so I worked a lot on those things. After like 6 months of consistent working out, it just became sometime that I loved, and 14 years later I’m still lifting hard.

    So, never bothered me much. I know I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.

  16. I bet if you stopped focusing on the superficial reasons like body shape and looked at why else he was chosen instead of you, you might figure it out

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