Now that her salary is way more than mine. Full disclosure, my salary has been more most of our marriage and there were 11 months where didn’t work.

Should i be ok with this or should I bring this up with her?

  1. > should I be ok with this or should I bring this up with her?

    You should bring it up bc you brought it up here so clearly it’s weighing on your heart

  2. Sounds more like a roommate situation than a marriage. When you’re married it’s all “the families” money. Everything should go into and come out of one account.

  3. My SO and I have flip flopped who makes more over the years — early on I made alot more… then we were even, etc.

    We’ve always split common expenses and large expenses equally…. savings — we both max out our 401ks and contribute an equal dollar amount per month to another investment/savings account. Beyond that we do what we want with our own money.

    Neither of us are big spenders so that makes it somewhat easier. But this seems like the only fair way to do it.

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